Album: CANWAVE 3 Date: March 25, 2018 Date Added: October 25, 2023 URLs: - - Cover Artists: - yazshu Art Tags: - CANMT-Tan Cover Art File Extension: png Track Art File Extension: png Banner Artists: - yazshu - Makin (edits for wiki) Banner Dimensions: 1100x216 Banner File Extension: png Wallpaper Artists: - yazshu - Makin (edits for wiki) Wallpaper Style: 'opacity: 0.9;' Wallpaper File Extension: jpg Color: '#c7b2ff' Groups: - Cool and New Music Team - Fandom Commentary: |- Cool and New Music Team: (Animation test for a cancelled CANWAVE 3 animation by [[artist:shadok]]) --- Track: Roundabout Directory: roundabout-canwave-3 Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - yazshu Cover Artists: - yazshu Art Tags: - CANMT-Tan Duration: 00:55 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Roundabout - Made in Heaven Sampled Tracks: - Roundabout - Made in Heaven --- Track: Vapor BLΛNKocity Directory: vapor-blankocity Artists: - WarxTron Cover Artists: - WarxTron - SplitSuns Duration: 02:32 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Sburban Jungle - Liquid Negrocity - Flare - licord nacrasty - RollerCoaster Tycoon Theme - Oppa Toby Style - Upward Movement (Dave Owns) - Penumbra Phantasm # Sampled Tracks: # - Windows SFX # - Nintendo SFX - Michael Bowman Remix # - Snake Eyes (1998) - GameBro (Original 1990 Mix) # - Donald Trump speeches Lyrics: |- (Bowman) (Bowman) (Bowman) (Bowman) (Boner) [At this point Mayor samples from Mayor Maynot begin] (Boner) (Boner) (Boner) (Bowman) (Bowman) (Bowman) (Bowman) (Boner) (Boner) (Boner) (Boner) (Bowman) (Bowman) (Bowman) (Bowman) (Boner) (Boner) (Boner) (Boner) [Unintelligible GameBro and Donald Trump samples] Commentary: |- Makin: (Wiki editor, 11/20/2024) This track's art references the cover for Blank Banshee's album "Blank Banshee 0". --- Track: ~~ GARBAGE ~~ 「 総たわごと 」~~ ultimate fakeout~~ Directory: garbage-ultimate-fakeout Artists: - ft-rj Cover Artists: - ackro - Scarodactyl Art Tags: - Michael Guy Bowman - Lord English Duration: 04:02 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Unintentional Touhou - can you give me a HAND - Carne Vale - Meme Voyage - I absolutely loathe this Drummer. Sampled Tracks: - Unintentional Touhou - can you give me a HAND - Carne Vale - Bowman's Credit Score - Meme Voyage - I absolutely loathe this Drummer. Lyrics: |- Raiden: Envy, greed Monsoon: Magnetic force! Raiden: Despair, memes Monsoon: Nature's force! Raiden: Envy, greed Monsoon: Too fast for that Raiden: Despair, memes Monsoon: Now there's a pretty meme Raiden: Envy, greed Raiden: How about full of shit? Raiden: Despair, memes Raiden: Is that a meme? Raiden: Envy, greed Monsoon: That's game over Raiden: Despair, memes [kick, snare from I absolutely loathe this Drummer. set to the beat of Carne Vale] --- Track: S E C R E T - V A P O R - R O M ] Directory: secret-vapor-rom Artists: - Minish Cover Artists: - Minish Duration: 00:55 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Secret ROM Sampled Tracks: - Secret ROM --- Track: (INTRACTIVE™) VIRTUAL AVATAR SELECTION SCREEN Artists: - William Leonard Cover Artists: - ackro Art Tags: - Toby Fox - Fresh Jimmy - Cool and New Music Team - CANMT-Tan Duration: 01:56 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - (intractive?) Character Selection Screen Sampled Tracks: - (intractive?) Character Selection Screen --- Track: 暗闇の中の光 Directory: light-in-the-darkness Artists: - SplitSuns Cover Artists: - SplitSuns Duration: 7:45 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Voidlight Commentary: |- SplitSuns: ...When the hell did I get 100 followers?? I give my thanks to all of you for listening to my shitty music, haha. This is one of my tracks for the CaNMT's almost-vaporware all-vaporwave album, CANWAVE 3. In its current iteration it's a take on 2814's sample-free approach to the vapor aesthetic through ambient and techno albums such as 新しい日の誕生 and Rain Temple. It's one of my most complex songs yet and it took a lot of work to make, but the end result is something very awe-inspiring, even to me. (Originally this song was a straight-up cover of Voidlight that was much more laid-back and repetitive, but I scrapped it in favor of this version. Maybe I'll upload that old version somewhere along the line.) --- Track: ~ * SeCReT ~ FeeLiNGs * ~ Directory: secret-feelings Artists: - Pipko Fanfare Cover Artists: - ackro Art Tags: - Joey - Xefros - Alternia Duration: 01:29 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - track:old-secret - Feeling Good Sampled Tracks: - track:old-secret - Feeling Good Lyrics: |- Fish in the sea, you know how I feel River runnin' free, you know how I feel Blossom on the tree, you know how I feel It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me And I'm feelin' good I'm feelin' good --- Track: カジュアルな金曜日//CASUALFRIDAYS Directory: casualfridays Artists: - olkiswerve Cover Artists: - olkiswerve Duration: 03:23 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Strung Out Deeper Than The Night - track:killers-cboyardee Sampled Tracks: - Strung Out Deeper Than The Night - track:killers-cboyardee # - Dilbert 2 # - Dilbert 3 Lyrics: |- (I think you should kill yourself Dilbert) (You stupid bitch, you stupid fucking bitch, I can't believe how dumb you are. Jesus christ I can't believe how dumb you are. You're the dumbest motherfuck--) (Ranch... or cool ranch... or... ranch?) (Oh yeah, forgot to tell you I always loved you) --- Track: ᚨ ᛖ ᚻ ᛁ ~ 時楽 ~ ᛚ ᛟ ᚷ ᚾ Directory: time-music Artists: - Akalabeth Cover Artists: - Bambosh Duration: 01:55 URLs: - - --- Track: Warmth Artists: - ostrichlittledungeon Cover Artists: - olkiswerve Duration: 02:35 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Uwa!! So Temperate♫ # Sampled Tracks: # - Google's Ideological Echo Chamber # - Hidden Impacts of Climate Change - Uwa!! So Temperate♫ # - Donald Trump speeches # - Half Life SFX # - Super Mario 3D World SFX # - Super Mario 64 SFX # - Mega Man SFX # - Kid Pix SFX Lyrics: |- (China) (China) (Bowser?) (China) (Fifty million dollars a year for the coal industry alone) (We have to start creating jobs, we have to start creating wealth) (That is what this is all about, bringing back our jobs, bringing back our dreams) (Nation's completely wiped off the map because of sea level rise) (It really is a matter of raw survival) (So long, gay Bowser!) Commentary: |- Makin: (Wiki editor, 11/20/2024) This track's art references the album art for "Twin Fantasy" by Car Seat Headrest. --- Track: Ton'neru o Sanpo Suru (インストルメンタル) Directory: tonneru-o-sanpo-suru Artists: - artist:kobacat Cover Artists: - Bambosh - Cloudaria Art Tags: - Mobius Trip Duration: 02:06 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Light at the End of the Tunnel Sampled Tracks: - Light at the End of the Tunnel # - That's For Cats # - Adventures Three Lyrics: |- (Man Michael, I'm so happy you're in town) [unintelligible] (Hahahahaha, hahahahaha) [Michael Bowman's "That's For Cats" continues playing unintelligibly] [Some of Michael Bowman's "Adventures Three" plays unintelligibly] --- Track: ARPEGGIATOR SUNSET Artists: - Interrobang Cover Artists: - Bambosh Art Tags: - Jhon Duration: 01:39 URLs: - - Commentary: |- Makin: (Wiki person) This references "Sunrise over Zebes" by Interrobang, an as-of-yet unreleased song. --- Track: F E L T (フェルト) Directory: felt-canwave-3 Artists: - WarxTron Cover Artists: - olkiswerve Duration: 02:44 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Jade Dragon - Rhapsody in Green - English Sampled Tracks: - Jade Dragon - Rhapsody in Green - English --- Track: ruind shop Artists: - Difarem Cover Artists: - cookiefonster Art Tags: - Consorts Duration: 06:08 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Ruins (With Strings) - Main Theme (Wii Shop Channel) - It's Raining Somewhere Else - Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae) - Moshi Starts a Business - track:smooth-santana - Hotline Bling - track:ruins-undertale Sampled Tracks: - Ruins (With Strings) - Main Theme (Wii Shop Channel) - It's Raining Somewhere Else - Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae) - Moshi Starts a Business - track:smooth-santana - Hotline Bling - track:ruins-undertale --- Track: F∞ クライミング『CLIMBING』 Directory: f-climbing Artists: - SplitSuns Cover Artists: - SplitSuns Art Tags: - LoLaR Duration: 02:48 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - track:climbing-to-infinity - Endless Climb --- Track: Subtropical Urbanization Artists: - olkiswerve Cover Artists: - Bambosh - Cloudaria Art Tags: - Gate - Earth Duration: 04:08 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Sburban Jungle - Like Herod Sampled Tracks: - Sburban Jungle - Like Herod --- Track: Λ Ғ ߠ Є Ԗ Ը ا िƎ Directory: afterlife Artists: - Kal-la-kal-la Cover Artists: - Cosmere64 Duration: 05:33 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Back to Life - Dreamers and The Dead Sampled Tracks: - Back to Life - Dreamers and The Dead Lyrics: |- (O child of noble family, listen without distraction. On the tenth day the blood drinking manifestation of the Ratna family, called Blessed Ratna-Heruka, will appear before you from the southern quarter of your brain) (His body is dark yellow in color, with three heads, six arms, and four legs spread wide apart; the right face is white, the left one red, and the center one blazing dark yellow; his six hands hold a jewel in the first on the right, a trident bearing three human heads in the middle, and a club in the last, a bell in the first on the left, a skull-cup in the middle, and a trident in the last) (His consort Padma Krodheshvari embraces his body, with her right hand clasped around his neck and her left hand holding a skull full of blood to his mouth) (Do not be afraid of him, do not be terrified, do not be bewildered, recognize him as the form of your own mind) --- Track: hey___~ Directory: hey-canwave-3 Artists: - Interrobang Cover Artists: - Lucas Adelman Duration: 03:27 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - It's Never Over (Hey Orpheus) Sampled Tracks: - It's Never Over (Hey Orpheus) --- Track: マイケルボーマンリミックスリミックスリミックス Directory: how-do-i-live-wub-machine-remix-remix-remix Artists: - Difarem Cover Artists: - Bambosh - Hadron Art Tags: - Michael Guy Bowman Referenced Artworks: - track:michael-bowman-remix-est-2006 (edit) Cover Art File Extension: jpg Duration: 02:03 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - track:how-do-i-live-wub-machine-remix Sampled Tracks: - track:how-do-i-live-wub-machine-remix --- Track: thisissynthwaveright.mp3.wav Artists: - Wheals Cover Artists: - Cosmere64 Art Tags: - Snowman Referenced Artworks: - The Felt (composition) Duration: 03:23 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - Temporal Piano - Temporary Secretary --- Track: Flickwave !! 私はちょうど何が重要か Directory: flickwave Artists: - Ragzilla Cover Artists: - Cosmere64 Art Tags: - Jade Duration: 02:30 URLs: - - Sampled Tracks: - track:flicker-porter-robinson Lyrics: |- Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka mitsukeyou toshite iru watashi wa ("I'm just trying to find what's really important to me") Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka mitsukeyou toshite iru watashi wa ("I'm just trying to find what's really important to me") Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka mitsukeyou toshite iru watashi wa ("I'm just trying to find what's really important to me") Jibun-tachi no seikatsu no torakku o ushinau hōhō desu (It's a way to lose the track of our own lives) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka mitsukeyou toshite iru watashi wa ("I'm just trying to find what's really important to me") Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka (What exactly is important to me?) Watashi wa chōdo nani ga jūyō ka mitsukeyou toshite iru watashi wa ("I'm just trying to find what's really important to me") --- Track: Made in Heaven Directory: made-in-heaven-canwave-3 Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - SplitSuns Cover Artists: - yazshu Art Tags: - CANMT-Tan Referenced Artworks: - track:roundabout-canwave-3 (minor edit) Duration: 01:58 URLs: - - Referenced Tracks: - The Prophets Song - track:the-show-must-go-on-queen - Made in Heaven - Roundabout Sampled Tracks: # - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure SFX - The Prophets Song - track:the-show-must-go-on-queen - Made in Heaven - Roundabout