Album: C A N W A V E 2 Directory: canwave-2 Date: January 20, 2017 Date Added: September 16, 2023 URLs: - - Cover Artists: - yazshu Art Tags: - Jhon - Toby Fox - Cool and New Music Team Cover Art File Extension: png Track Art File Extension: png Banner Artists: - Makin Banner Dimensions: 1100x216 Banner File Extension: jpg Wallpaper Artists: - Makin Wallpaper File Extension: jpg Wallpaper Style: 'opacity: 1;' Color: '#ff00ff' Groups: - Cool and New Music Team - Fandom Commentary: |- Cool and New Music Team: In a dystopian (but not implausible) future, America has fallen to ruins under the tyrannical hand of President Donald J. Trump. Can Jhon save the country from further disaster, or will he perish in the attempt? --- Section: Main album --- Track: Intro Directory: intro-canwave-2 Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - ostrichlittledungeon Contributors: - Bambosh (narration) Cover Artists: - yazshu Art Tags: - Jhon Duration: 03:07 Referenced Tracks: - The Star-Spangled Banner - Gunshow 2 Theme (Instrumental) URLs: - - Lyrics: |- (The year is 2020. President Trump has led our nation into one of the worst econonic recessions in the history of the Earth. Imigrants are pouring through the southern border. Just look at that chaos! If you thought the econony was bad with Obana in charge, think again! And not only has Trump destroyed the country, but he's running for re-election! His challenger? Representative Cory Booker from New Jersey. It's up to the intrepid Jhon Ebgret to make his way to the White House and assassinate the president, evil Trump, so that he can finally have Cory in the House! Is he a bad enough dude to off the President of the United States himself? Don't turn that dial! It's... CANWAVE TWOOOOOO!) --- Track: I Wanted So Much More Artists: - Pipko Fanfare Cover Artists: - Pipko Fanfare Art Tags: - Kanaya Duration: 03:41 Referenced Tracks: - Flare - Flare (With Vocals) Sampled Tracks: - Flare - Flare (With Vocals) URLs: - - Lyrics: |- I wanted so much more Than a game we were born to lose I wanted so much more Things fall apart so easily They break away at the seams And it seems This is the life I was fated to lead Dreams dead in the water And you ought to let them pass So many things I wanted to do So many dreams Left for dead in the water Drowned and gone, just smile and let them go --- Track: Shrouded in Specre, a Light Appears Artists: - TirantBacon Cover Artists: - CreatorOfJanespeak Duration: 01:08 Referenced Tracks: - track:null-vol8 URLs: - - --- Track: G A M E R E C L I P S E Directory: gamer-eclipse Artists: - Interrobang Cover Artists: - olkiswerve Duration: 04:15 Referenced Tracks: - Lunar Eclipse - GameBro (Original 1990 Mix) Sampled Tracks: - Lunar Eclipse - GameBro (Original 1990 Mix) URLs: - - Lyrics: |- Alright bros, are you ready? It's time for the one, the only, GameBro! He's coming to your screen straight from the magazine The mix meister of Master Swords and mushrooms Are you sure you're ready for this? Well come on, get ready, get set, and here we go The Ga- GameBro is here and he's got the games All you other lamebrainers better feel the shame He can bend the rules, he's too cool for school And he's got just a few cheat codes for you There ain't nothing that'll ever hold this bad boy down That hat that he's wearing's like his personal crown He's got every game beat and skills that sweet But if you want in his crew, you gotta be elite Uh! Do it, do it, do it, do it! Uh! Do it, do it, do it, do it! Alright! (Go, go, go, go, go, go, go GameBro) (Go, go, go, go, go, go, go GameBro) Uh! Do it, do it, do it, do it! Uh! Alright! --- Track: F L A R E (Doomed Timeline Ver.) Directory: flare-doomed-timeline-ver Artists: - artist:kobacat Cover Artists: - olkiswerve Art Tags: - Green Sun Referenced Artworks: - Flare (minor edit) Cover Art File Extension: jpg Duration: 06:30 Referenced Tracks: - Flare Sampled Tracks: - Flare URLs: - - --- Track: c o u r s e r w a v e Directory: courserwave Artists: - cookiefonster Cover Artists: - olkiswerve Art Tags: - Becquerel Referenced Artworks: - Courser (edit) Cover Art File Extension: jpg Duration: 01:51 Referenced Tracks: - Courser Sampled Tracks: - Courser URLs: - - --- Track: '[reverie vaporwave]' Artists: - Hadron Cover Artists: - Hadron Art Tags: - Caliborn Cover Art File Extension: jpg Duration: 05:18 Referenced Tracks: - Reverie - track:frost-vol6 - Coursing - Black - Cobalt Thief - Doctor - Candles and Clockwork (Alpha Version) - FantasyP - Liquid Negrocity - Derse Dreamers - track:game-over - Flare Sampled Tracks: - Reverie - track:frost-vol6 - Coursing - Black - Cobalt Thief - Doctor - Candles and Clockwork (Alpha Version) - FantasyP - Liquid Negrocity - Derse Dreamers - track:game-over - Flare URLs: - - --- Track: 'psych0ruins 2: ultra sp00py 0_0' Artists: - cookiefonster Cover Artists: - olkiswerve Art Tags: - Aradia - 'cw: body horror (abstract)' Referenced Artworks: - psych0ruins (minor edit) Duration: 03:00 Referenced Tracks: - psych0ruins Sampled Tracks: - psych0ruins Cover Art File Extension: jpg URLs: - - --- Track: BALLADWAVE Directory: balladwave Artists: - VulkanShawl Cover Artists: - VulkanShawl Art Tags: - Jack Noir - Felt Mansion Referenced Artworks: - The Ballad of Jack Noir (edit) Cover Art File Extension: jpg Duration: 03:57 Referenced Tracks: - The Ballad of Jack Noir Sampled Tracks: - The Ballad of Jack Noir URLs: - - --- Track: licord midnight Artists: - artist:kobacat Cover Artists: - MaketheC Duration: 02:29 Referenced Tracks: - licord nacrasty - Liquid Negrocity Sampled Tracks: - licord nacrasty - Liquid Negrocity URLs: - - --- Track: Clouds of Aesthetic Directory: clouds-of-aesthetic Artists: - Dream Narwhal Cover Artists: - Dream Narwhal Art Tags: - Skaia Referenced Artworks: - Skies of Skaia (edit) Duration: 02:24 Referenced Tracks: - Skies of Skaia # Sampled Tracks: # - Dial-up tones # - MacOS SFX URLs: - - --- Track: Fuck you Basset Artists: - Greenagon - Iftrycus - koykoy13 Cover Artists: - koykoy13 - Iftrycus - Greenagon Duration: 01:01 Referenced Tracks: - Slums of Basset URLs: - - --- Track: The Thirteenth Minute Artists: - TirantBacon Cover Artists: - artist:avocado-canmt Duration: 01:50 Referenced Tracks: - The Thirteenth Hour Sampled Tracks: - The Thirteenth Hour URLs: - - --- Track: Keyboardmashequins Artists: - Difarem Cover Artists: - koykoy13 Art Tags: - Vrasky Duration: 00:58 Referenced Tracks: - Keyboard Combos URLs: - - --- Track: Triphopvania Artists: - William Leonard Cover Artists: - Nights Art Tags: - Vriska Duration: 01:05 Referenced Tracks: - track:MeGaLoVania - Beatdown (Strider Style) Sampled Tracks: - Bowman's Credit Score # - Moon Age URLs: - - --- Track: Oppa Toby Seizure Artists: - GoomFloops Cover Artists: - olkiswerve Art Tags: - Toby Fox Cover Art File Extension: jpg Duration: 04:12 Referenced Tracks: - The Nutshack Intro - Oppa Toby Style Sampled Tracks: - The Nutshack Intro - Oppa Toby Style URLs: - - --- Track: Dirkwave Artists: - VulkanShawl Cover Artists: - VulkanShawl Art Tags: - Dirk Duration: 01:38 Referenced Tracks: - Dirkhestra Sampled Tracks: - Dirkhestra URLs: - - --- Track: T H I S S O N G L A S T S U N T I L 3 A M Directory: this-song-lasts-until-3-am Artists: - loading Cover Artists: - koykoy13 Art Tags: - Snowman Duration: 05:03 Referenced Tracks: - Three in the Morning URLs: - - --- Track: Inauguration Artists: - Makin Cover Artists: - Ephemerald Duration: 01:44 Referenced Tracks: - track:dust-moon Sampled Tracks: - track:dust-moon - Donald Trump Says China Remix URLs: - - Lyrics: |- Let's say China China China China ChiChina ChinaChina China ChinaChinaChinaChinaChinaChina ChinaChinaChina I have to have my China China China ChinaChinaChina China ChinaChinaChinaChina China China China and a ChinaChinaChinaChina China China I know China very well China China China ChinaChina China China China ChinaChina ChinaChinaChina I'm from ChinaChina China ChinaChinChina I have people that I know in China China China ChinaChina China China China ChinaChina ChinaChinaChina I'm from ChinaChina China ChinaChina I have people that I know in China China China ChinaChinaChinaChina China China China ChinaChinaChinaChina I've been saying China China China China China China China China China China, I like China I go to China ChinaChinaChinaChina China ChinaChina, ChinaChina China I go to China, China ChinaChinaChinaChinaChinaChina China China ChiChina, I go to China China China ChiChina, ChinaChina China, you went to China China China, get a job in China I know China, I love China, China China China ChiChina, China China China China China China all the time China China China China China! (And by the way, I love China.) --- Track: A N O T H E R J U N G L E Directory: another-jungle-canwave Artists: - cookiefonster Cover Artists: - Yara Art Tags: - Rose Duration: 00:54 Referenced Tracks: - Another Jungle Sampled Tracks: - Another Jungle URLs: - - --- Track: CREATA. Directory: creata-canwave Artists: - olkiswerve Cover Artists: - olkiswerve Art Tags: - Genesis Frog Referenced Artworks: - Creata (edit) Cover Art File Extension: jpg Duration: 01:43 Referenced Tracks: - Creata - track:spleen-ruth-white Sampled Tracks: - Creata - track:spleen-ruth-white URLs: - - Lyrics: |- When the low, heavy sky weighs like a lid On the spirit aching for the light And when, embracing the horizon It pours on us a black day which is sadder than any night When the earth is turned into a dripping dungeon In which Hope, like a bat, flutters blindly And bruises its timid wing and tender head Against the walls and rotted ceilings When the rain, stretching down its long streaks of water Imitates the bars of an enormous prison And a silent throng of loathsome spiders come And weave their webs inside our brains Then suddenly, the bells swing angrily And hurl their hideous uproar into the sky Like a band of wandering spirits... --- Track: VriskaMad 8 K3YG3N - SBURB v413 Artists: - TirantBacon Cover Artists: - artist:avocado-canmt Art Tags: - Vriska Duration: 02:22 Referenced Tracks: - A Fairy Battle Sampled Tracks: - A Fairy Battle URLs: - - --- Track: It's Not Like I Like You or Anything (Baka) Artists: - TirantBacon Cover Artists: - Cloudaria Art Tags: - Meenah Duration: 01:47 Referenced Tracks: - Hate You Sampled Tracks: - Hate You URLs: - - --- Track: T H E M E (AKA Ballad for Penumbra Phantasm) Directory: theme-aka-ballad-for-penumbra-phantasm Artists: - ostrichlittledungeon Cover Artists: - cookiefonster Art Tags: - Toby Fox Duration: 01:03 Referenced Tracks: - Gunshow 2 Theme (Instrumental) Sampled Tracks: - Gunshow 2 Theme (Instrumental) URLs: - - --- Track: X - V A P O R - N I G H T C O R E - R O M Directory: x-vapor-nightcore-rom Artists: - Minish Cover Artists: - Minish Art Tags: - Kanaya - Cool and New Music Team Duration: 00:49 Referenced Tracks: - X - V A P O R - R O M Sampled Tracks: - X - V A P O R - R O M URLs: - - Commentary: |- Makin: (Perplexed) This is a nightcore remix (speed-up) of a vaporwave remix (slow-down) of [[track:xrom]] by Toby Fox. Does it reference the original song, or does it reference the vaporwave remix? To sample, or not to sample, that is the question. I guess I'll just write the most stupid interpretation in. --- Track: Median Directory: median-canmt Always Reference By Directory: true Artists: - ostrichlittledungeon Contributors: - Bambosh (narration) - GoomFloops (voice acting) Cover Artists: - yazshu Art Tags: - Jhon Duration: 01:22 URLs: - - Lyrics: |- (jhon had been traveling for many moons when he finally stumbled upon a secret entrance to the white house) (it was a long underground passageway that led from north dakota to the oval office) Oh boiy a consealed pasage, (jhon remarked stroking his hams) (I rely hope that it's takes me to the wit house,?) (If it isn't I'm am going to be an angery) (so jhon set off, ready to make his way to the president.) (and cure our nation) --- Track: Damara's Night Core Artists: - Wheals Cover Artists: - Nights Art Tags: - Damara - Horrorterrors - Cool and New Music Team - Dream Bubbles - Gate Duration: 02:04 Referenced Tracks: - Havoc - track:moshi-moshi Sampled Tracks: - Havoc URLs: - - Lyrics: |- (various Damara lines) --- Track: A Lamentful Walk Through the Sburban Plain Artists: - artist:kobacat Cover Artists: - Nights Art Tags: - Rose Duration: 15:33 Referenced Tracks: - Sburban Jungle Sampled Tracks: - Sburban Jungle URLs: - - --- Track: ダウン昇順720 Directory: ascend-720 Artists: - TirantBacon Cover Artists: - Nights Art Tags: - Rose - Skaia Duration: 08:18 Referenced Tracks: - Ascend Sampled Tracks: - Ascend URLs: - - --- Track: Searching the Internet for Radiation Artists: - TirantBacon Cover Artists: - Shadok Art Tags: - Toby Fox Duration: 01:46 Referenced Tracks: - Searching the Desert for Chiptunes Sampled Tracks: - Searching the Desert for Chiptunes URLs: - - --- Track: Bridge of Stairs Artists: - Noisemaker Cover Artists: - olkiswerve Art Tags: - Sweet Bro Cover Art File Extension: jpg Duration: 02:32 Referenced Tracks: - Bridge of Stars Sampled Tracks: - Bridge of Stars URLs: - - --- Track: S K A I A N S H U F F L E Directory: skaian-shuffle-canwave Artists: - artist:kobacat Cover Artists: - greenTetrahedron Art Tags: - Carapacians Cover Art File Extension: jpg Duration: 08:42 Referenced Tracks: - Skaian Shuffle Sampled Tracks: - Skaian Shuffle URLs: - - --- Track: Vapordave2 Artists: - VulkanShawl Cover Artists: - VulkanShawl Art Tags: - Davesprite Duration: 03:35 Referenced Tracks: - Davesprite2 Sampled Tracks: - Davesprite2 URLs: - - --- Track: Ride Alone Artists: - olkiswerve Cover Artists: - MaketheC Art Tags: - Rose Duration: 03:25 Referenced Tracks: - Skaian Ride Sampled Tracks: - Skaian Ride # - Blade Runner URLs: - - Lyrics: |- (I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.) (All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.) --- Track: Cascasin Artists: - Hadron Cover Artists: - Hadron Duration: 07:19 Referenced Tracks: - Cascade (Beta) - Savior of the Dreaming Dead (Cascade Cut) - track:casin-glue70 - track:divinity-porter-robinson - Cascade2 - Black Hole / Green Sun - Freefall Sampled Tracks: - Cascade (Beta) - Savior of the Dreaming Dead (Cascade Cut) - track:casin-glue70 - track:divinity-porter-robinson - Cascade2 - Black Hole / Green Sun - Freefall URLs: - - Lyrics: |- Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl You're the one, the one for me Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl You're the one, the one for me Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl You're the one, the one for me Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl You're the one, the one for me Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl You're the one, the one for me Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl and be Gives me her love Oh stay To please the girl You're the one, the one for me --- Track: Liquid Nightcorecity Artists: - Cecily Renns - Interrobang Cover Artists: - Nights Art Tags: - Jack Noir - Horrorterrors - Jhon - Dadd - Dabe - Derse Duration: 01:40 Referenced Tracks: - Liquid Negrocity Sampled Tracks: - Liquid Negrocity URLs: - - --- Track: Bumper to Bumper... Eventually Artists: - GoomFloops Cover Artists: - Skyplayer Art Tags: - Michael Guy Bowman Cover Art File Extension: jpg Duration: 02:06 # Sampled Tracks: # - Bumper to Bumper URLs: - - Lyrics: |- (Hello, welcome back to Bumper to Bumper, I'm Marvin.) (And I'm Fred, Marvin's brother.) (I am brother to Marvin, my name is Fred, this is Bumper to Bumper, a show about cars, and we're brothers!) (We're brothaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!) (Now, Fred, you're my brother.) (We're brothers.) (We're brothaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!) (Boy Marvin you really put the 'broth' back in brother.) (Fred, when you're right you're right.) (I happen to be eating soup, but for you, I'll stop.) Let's take a call. Hello, you're on Bumper to Bumper.) (Hi, I'm Amanda from Pittsburgh.) (Pittsburgh! That's hilarious!) (Isn't that the city of brotherly love?) (I am a hundred percent certain that it is!) (I think you might be thinking of Philadelphia.) (Sorry caller, you're going to have to speak up, I am currently eating soup off of the floor.) (My brother!) (Brothaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!) --- Track: Vapor Crusher (a.k.a. people have probably done this a million times) Artists: - cookiefonster Cover Artists: - Wheals Duration: 02:20 Referenced Tracks: - Metal Crusher Sampled Tracks: - Metal Crusher URLs: - - --- Track: S Q U 3 4 K Directory: squ34k Artists: - TirantBacon Cover Artists: - CreatorOfJanespeak Art Tags: - Terezi Duration: 02:42 Referenced Tracks: - Terezi Owns Sampled Tracks: - Terezi Owns URLs: - - --- Track: TRICKSTER CRUSHER Artists: - cookiefonster Contributors: - Minish (Kazoo) Cover Artists: - SplitSuns Duration: 00:36 Referenced Tracks: - Metal Crusher Sampled Tracks: - Metal Crusher URLs: - - --- Track: Snow Creation (Kick me off the team edition) Artists: - tempest2k Cover Artists: - Ahnock Art Tags: - Genesis Frog Referenced Artworks: - Creata (composition) Cover Art File Extension: jpg Cover Art Dimensions: 1401x1400 Duration: 24:38 Referenced Tracks: - Creata - Snow halation Sampled Tracks: - Creata - Snow halation URLs: - - --- Track: Handling Trump's Utopia Artists: - Wheals Cover Artists: - Cecily Renns - Nights - Wheals Art Tags: - Fresh Jimmy Duration: 01:29 Referenced Tracks: - Sunsetter - We Are Number One - Donald Trump Says China Remix - XP boogie Sampled Tracks: - Donald Trump Says China Remix - XP boogie # - that one video of andrew hussie URLs: - - Lyrics: |- (If you can't handle me) (Handle me, handle me) (If you can't handle me) (At my, Donald Trump) (Don't, deserve me, deserve me) (China, china, china, china, china) (If you can't, handle me) (If you can't, handle me) (At my, Donald Trump) [unintelligible] (WE, are number one, number one) (These guys) (Donald Trump) --- Track: BLΛNK JIMMEE Directory: blank-jimmee Artists: - SplitSuns Cover Artists: - SplitSuns - Hadron Art Tags: - Fresh Jimmy Duration: 02:13 Sampled Tracks: # - GameCube Startup # - Donald Trump lines # - Nintendo DS Startup - Michael Bowman Remix # - Game Boy Advance Startup # - MacOS SFX - Ugly Story - Sburban Jungle # - Windows XP SFX # - Bop It! - Flare (Cascade) # - Super Mario 64 Red Coin SFX - Swing of the Clock # - Xbox 360 Startup # - Nintendo Wii SFX # - THX Noise # - Time Trax OST # - Honk URLs: - - Lyrics: |- (We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall) (We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall) (Bowman, bowman, bowman, bobobobowman) (We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall) (I'm really really really really really rich) (We, build, build, a a a wall, wall, wall) (Bowman, bobowman, bobowman, bobobobo) (I need to build a wall) Commentary: |- SplitSuns: (Composer) After releasing hit albums Blank Jimmee 0 and Blank Jimmee 1, the esteemed vaporwave artist/Donald Trump enthusiast "Blank Jimmee" (alias of the part-time sales-salamander/thief Fresh Jimmy) has hit it out of the park with his newest release, MAGA. Makin: (Wiki editor, 11/20/2024) This track's art references the cover for Blank Banshee's album "Blank Banshee 0". --- Track: All We're Gonna Get Artists: - Pipko Fanfare Cover Artists: - Pipko Fanfare - artist:avocado-canmt Art Tags: - Lord English - Rose - Kanaya - Jack Noir Duration: 01:34 Referenced Tracks: - Flare - Flare (With Vocals) Sampled Tracks: - Flare - Flare (With Vocals) URLs: - - Lyrics: |- [reversed] So many things I wanted to do So many dreams Left for dead in the water Drowned and gone, just smile and let them go Things fall apart so easily They break away at the seams And it seems This is the life I was fated to lead Dreams dead in the water And you ought to let them pass So many things I wanted to do So many dreams Left for dead in the water Drowned and gone, just smile and let them go But it seems that's all I'm gonna get It's best to forget --- Track: Gunshow 2 Finale Part 1 Artists: - ostrichlittledungeon (Poem and music) Contributors: - Bambosh (Narrator) - Nicholas Nakano (Voice Acting, Trump) - WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES (Voice Acting, Cain) - XenoZane (Voice Acting, Toby) - GoomFloops (Voice Acting, Jhon) Cover Artists: - yazshu Art Tags: - Jhon Duration: 05:51 Referenced Tracks: - Gold Pilot - The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - Fighting Spirit - Flare - RollerCoaster Tycoon Theme Sampled Tracks: - Fighting Spirit - Flare URLs: - - Lyrics: |- One bright summer morning, in mid-to-late June Our president Trump was holding a spoon He was eating a soup at the great dinner table With his fair wife Melania and his sons Cain and Abel Who these two children were was a mystery to them all They'd just shown up one day and proceeded to call The Trump couple their parents, though odd, yes, it seems Their coming was foreshadowed by one of Trump's dreams My dear children, Trump said, with a saccharine grin You seem to be getting uncommonly thin Please eat up your soup so your muscles get yuge I don't want to resort to any food subterfuge I don't want to eat soup Cain replied with great force I'd rather eat chocolate please, make it three-course How rude of a thing to demand, I must say Said our dear Donald Trump, though he gave the okay And when Cain was quite finished with stuffing his face He and Abel returned to their planet in space Once Melania had retired to her chamber upstairs Donald rapped on the wall in a pattern of squares A door opened up to a room filled with toys Though not ones that you'd give to small girls or small boys) On a bed in the center lay one young Toby Fox He looked up from his book and he tossed back his locks Hello my dear Donald, how was dinner today? Not great, I confess, though I do have to say Cain's aversion to food that would improve his health Is disturbing to me, it's a symptom of wealth That's very astute of you, Donald, dear sir I most definitely agree. I approve. I concur Now come take a seat here, next to me on our bed I'll make you feel better by giving you head But before Trump could take a step forward, just then A young boy with a rabbit interrupted their zen As he entered the room and he pointed at Trump I'm redy to figt, you plump grumpy lump Oh god, Andrew Hussie, what have you created? O's gone much too far with his SBAHJ lust unsated Now listen up Jhon, if you want to hurt Don You must go through me first, come at me, you prawn (Awww yeah. This is what people do before raps right? S L A B.) Yo my name's Toby Fox, please don't call me Radiation I created the nutshack and I made up Snow Halation I'll clear one thing up now—I'm not o, I'm his ex But now Trump's the only person with whom I'll have sex I've dedicated my life to creating awesome tunes My OST is better than Earthbound's, and Rollercoaster Tycoon's Andrew's Hussie's little Hiveswap is nothing to my two games But first Undertale, then its sequel, set my world into flames I shed blood, sweat, and tears to make it out of depression And now I come back to my lover's recession? Donald, baby, I still love you, but a great depression, jeez Anyway, I need some cash so buy my games please (Still going. [unintelligible]) Now whether you're gay, bi, pan, libertarian, or straight you should buy my games cause the shipping's downright great And if you feel left out by my statement there Uh, you should buy them anyway, damn,I really love Flare. So yeah, I guess that's me and I'm done with this rap I think I flowed pretty well though my transitions were crap I'd also like to say.. uh, let's fight, come on I won't let anyone hurt my boyfriend, least of all a SBAHJ-y John (That line is still so fucking hard to say.) (Yaeh, ok.) Jhon brandished his bunny at Toby, his face As neutral as ever, as if stuck in place And Toby, his face pale as pale could be Remarked I have to use the toilet.. uhh brb! Then Jhon turned to Trump, his intentions made clear Trump's skin was beet red, and his eyes filled with fear Jhon pulled out a space gun and covered his eyes With a dark red headband of unusual size He grinned, his big buckteeth stretched out to the sides I'm think thats its time I change up the tides Your a pest your a dog your a bee your a louse I need to do Cory inside of the house Oh god no, I knew this would be how it ends At the end of my presidency, betrayed by my friends Jhon please, you know me, I'm no stranger to you But did Jhon even care? (Waht that buton do?) --- Track: Gunshow 2 Finale Part 2 Artists: - ostrichlittledungeon (Poem and music) Contributors: - Bambosh (Narrator) Cover Artists: - yazshu Duration: 05:58 Referenced Tracks: - Roundabout Sampled Tracks: - Roundabout URLs: - - Lyrics: |- A bang could be heard, followed by a loud woof! As Trump keeled over dead, and the room was soundproof But even as Jhon untied his headband... I'll... Commentary: |- ostrichlittledungeon: (Composer) To be continued... --- Section: Bonus Tracks --- Track: Gunshow 2 Theme (Instrumental) Artists: - ostrichlittledungeon Duration: 01:56 URLs: - Referenced Tracks: - Explore