Album: Ad Astra Artists: - Ducky Senpai Date: April 9, 2016 Date Added: June 12, 2024 URLs: - Cover Artists: - Ducky Senpai Default Track Cover Artists: - Ducky Senpai Cover Art File Extension: png Track Art File Extension: png Color: '#99f0ff' Groups: - Fandom Wallpaper Artists: - Ducky Senpai - Lilithtreasure (edits for wiki) Wallpaper File Extension: png Wallpaper Style: |- opacity: 0.7; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto; Commentary: |- <i>Ducky Senpai:</i> ([Bandcamp about blurb]( 4 primary tracks from [[album:the-planets]] entirely revisited, revamped, and remixed for an EDM audience. Less experimental, more electronica. The content of this album--while inspired by Homestuck to an extent--is not affiliated with or derivative of Andrew Hussie, Homestuck affiliates, or anyone who doesn't go by the name "Ducky." Now downloadable for free! <i>Ducky Senpai:</i> ([Tumblr](, excerpt) Ad Astra is out! I'm finally releasing my latest (and probably last) Homestuck-inspired album. This album contains 4 primary tracks originally from [[album:the-planets]] and another [[track:stargazer-ad-astra|"bonus" intro track]] as well. These songs have been remixed and remastered with a more focused mind for an EDM audience. If you liked The Planets, I'm sure you'll <i>really</i> like Ad Astra. --- Track: Stargazer Suffix Directory: true Additional Names: - StarGazer (name in artwork) Duration: 1:24 URLs: - - --- Track: Tempest Suffix Directory: true Always Reference By Directory: true Duration: 5:12 Color: '#666fe9' URLs: - Referenced Tracks: - track:shade-the-planets --- Track: Spirit of Light Duration: 3:54 Color: '#b536da' URLs: - Referenced Tracks: - track:rain-the-planets --- Track: Everything Burns Duration: 3:40 Color: '#e00707' URLs: - Referenced Tracks: - track:clockwork-the-planets --- Track: Aether Amphibia Duration: 4:17 Color: '#4ac925' URLs: - Referenced Tracks: - track:frost-the-planets