there's also some EarthBound stuff in there somewhere
be sure to fix Onett link in changelog:
[Errors validating content text]
╿ [Content text errors in wikiData.staticPageData]
│ ╿ [Content text errors in StaticPage "Changelog" (static:changelog)]
│ ╎ ╿ [Content text errors in field Content]
│ ╎ │ ╿ (line: 2987, col: 21) Didn't match anything for Onett Theme
│ ╎ │ ╎ ⋮ ...dded a new track [[Onett Theme]] to the list of t...
The above errors were detected while processing content text in data files.
The wiki will still build, but placeholders will be displayed in these spots.
Resolve the errors for more complete output.