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hsmusic-data - Data files for https://hsmusic.wiki - track, album, artist & flash info, etc
summary refs log tree commit diff
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-09-01more various postrelease fixesNiklink
resolves #251, #252, #260
2023-09-01add 9Makin
2023-09-01revise commentary image sizesNiklink
resolves #253
2023-09-01various postrelease fixesNiklink
resolves #245, #249, #254, #259
2023-09-01some artist name changesNiklink
2023-08-31oceanfalls fixesNiklink
resolves #244
2023-08-28divide >100MiB additional files into smaller ones(quasar) nebula
2023-08-28add jpegMakin
2023-08-28add solar sessionsNiklink
and update changelog
2023-08-26data fixesMakin
2023-08-25add call and new 2Makin
2023-08-24add the ballad of megan pouringMakin
2023-08-24fix missing sections in intermishinMakin
2023-08-24add intermishinMakin
2023-08-22add guidestuckNiklink
2023-08-22data fixMakin
2023-08-21add another noir singleNiklink
2023-08-21add repriseNiklink
2023-08-21add cool and new sonic teamMakin
2023-08-21data fixMakin
2023-08-21add bowmaniaMakin
2023-08-20add candles + potencyNiklink
2023-08-20add skaian synthesisNiklink
2023-08-20add canwave 2Makin
2023-08-20merge previewMakin
2023-08-19fixed oopsMakin
2023-08-18iridescent noon (news entry)(quasar) nebula
2023-08-18prerelease review: fix track ref in lofam4 commentary(quasar) nebula
2023-08-18prerelease review: more group fixes(quasar) nebula
2023-08-18prerelease review: also alphabetize fan-musician groups(quasar) nebula
2023-08-18prerelease review: align group:deconrecon alphabetically(quasar) nebula
Also rearrange the fields in this file the way they're supposed to be, finally.
2023-08-18add v8lumeMakin
2023-08-18prerelease review: last new albumsNiklink
updated changelog+homepage+added bgs+fixes
2023-08-18Merge branch 'preview' of https://github.com/recordcrash/hsmusic-data into ↵Makin
2023-08-18prerelease review: directoriesNiklink
also rerelease fixes and ian taylor/xerxes333 fix
2023-08-18prerelease review: refs beyond homestuckNiklink
also minor fixes + canmt bg adjustments, videos, fusion collab bg, cws
2023-08-18add take my song in a completely different directionMakin
2023-08-18add cool and new homestuck 3Makin
2023-08-17add cool and new homestuck 2Makin
2023-08-16Merge remote-tracking branch 'recordcrash/canmt-makin' into preview(quasar) nebula
2023-08-16Merge branch 'preview' of https://github.com/recordcrash/hsmusic-data into ↵Makin
2023-08-16quick minor data fixes(quasar) nebula
2023-08-16add medianMakin
2023-08-16fixed media issuesMakin
2023-08-16add canwc greatest hitsMakin
2023-08-16homestuck vol 8 commentary link tweaks(quasar) nebula
2023-08-16add canwc for the holidaysMakin
2023-08-16Merge branch 'preview' of https://github.com/recordcrash/hsmusic-data into ↵Makin
2023-08-16add canwc for the holidays (pre merge)Makin
2023-08-15tweak homepage layout(quasar) nebula