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hsmusic-data - Data files for https://hsmusic.wiki - track, album, artist & flash info, etc
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16 files changed, 974 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/album/7th-gate-project.yaml b/album/7th-gate-project.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f01f92fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album/7th-gate-project.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+Album: 7th Gate Project
+- Catboss
+Date: April 21, 2012
+Date Added: February 3, 2022
+- https://soundcloud.com/catbossstudio/sets/7th-gate-project
+Cover Artists:
+- Homestuck
+Color: '#00fcf8'
+- Fandom
+Commentary: "<i>Catboss:</i>\nThe “Seventh Gate Project” - as I like to call it -\
+    \ is something I have been planning for a while now. At least like half a month,\
+    \ I’d say. I started it for more or less the same reason I started this blogthing\
+    \ - I mentioned that I felt that my music was gaining a sort of “direction” to\
+    \ it, and I guess this project is basically to see where it’s going, and to develop\
+    \ my own style. \n\nThis project will involve remixing (at least) the four kid’s\
+    \ Land Themes, along with adding my own touches to it. Whether I will do the troll\
+    \ Land Themes or not, we’ll see. I don’t want to make any particular commitment\
+    \ to that yet because that means another 12 songs, and I wasn’t intending for\
+    \ this project to take too long. Plus I’ll have to use mainly original stuff since\
+    \ with the exception of [[track:phaze-and-blood|Pulse and Haze]], none of the\
+    \ trolls lands have official themes. \n\nMaybe I’ll just do it as an on-and-off\
+    \ thing after I’m done with the 4 lands.\n\n<i>(commentary redux)</i>\nCompleted\
+    \ around June 2011, the 7th Gate Project was a series of remixes of songs from\
+    \ webcomic and internet sensation Homestuck.\n\nThese remixes were done in an\
+    \ attempt to find my own \"sound,\" as it were, and they have contributed greatly\
+    \ to my growth as a musician. Recent developments in the comic have also led me\
+    \ to consider extending this project; it will be interesting to see how far my\
+    \ ability has developed since a year ago.\n\nEnjoy!\n\n<i>Niklink:</i>\n(Technically\
+    \ speaking, this release doesn't have any actual cover artwork. These songs were\
+    \ posted to Soundcloud as a \"set\", which is what is being counted as a release\
+    \ here, and the set displays the artwork of the first song, so I am going with\
+    \ that as a sort of placeholder. However I would be remiss if I did not mention\
+    \ that on skaia.net, which has hosted a copy of this album for many many years,\
+    \ this release is represented by slightly modified artwork:)\n<img src=\"media/misc/7th-gate-project.png\"\
+    \ width=\"400\" height=\"400\">"
+Track: Through the Seventh Gate ~Land of Wind and Shade~
+Duration: '4:33'
+- https://soundcloud.com/catbossstudio/through-the-seventh-gate-lowas?in=catbossstudio/sets/7th-gate-project
+Cover Artists:
+- Homestuck
+Referenced Tracks:
+- Warhammer of Zillyhoo
+- track:doctor
+Commentary: "<i>Catboss:</i>\n<i>(original commentary)</i>\n“Through the Seventh Gate\
+    \ ~Land of Wind and Shade~” is a song that contains many things that I am a complete\
+    \ sucker for. Soaring string melodies? Check. Piano solo with lots of reverb?\
+    \ Check. Chorus? (I know it’s synthesized eh who cares) Check. Running notes,\
+    \ lots of them? Check. Dramatic piano octaves? Check. Mash them all together with\
+    \ a bunch of windy sounds and you get this.\n\nOne odd thing though is I’m using\
+    \ a Battery preset meant for dance songs. I, uh\ndon’t actually like dance that\
+    \ much\nso it’s a bit of an oddity that I actually use it a lot. \nI guess you\
+    \ would describe this song as a weird mishmash of dance-electronic-orchestral\
+    \ stuff.\n\nWhich is cool. I think I would quite like that, actually. I would\
+    \ definitely like to fiddle around more with electronic stuff though\n\nAlso,\
+    \ I find that this song is weak in the bass, which isn’t really a weakness for\
+    \ this particular song but is more one of my weaknesses in general. So yes note\
+    \ to self: improve.\n\nThat’s enough ramblin’ from me.\n\n<i>(commentary redux)</i>\n\
+    The Heir of Breath enters the Tower of the Tempest...\n\nAlthough many seem to\
+    \ prefer [[track:through-the-seventh-gate-land-of-frost-and-frogs|Land of Frost\
+    \ and Frogs]] more, this is my personal favorite from the set. For one, it strays\
+    \ furthest from the source material. For another, I experimented much more heavily\
+    \ with dynamic changes in this song, and I'm honestly quite happy with the outcome!"
+Track: Through the Seventh Gate ~Land of Heat and Clockwork~
+Duration: '4:36'
+- https://soundcloud.com/catbossstudio/through-the-seventh-gate-lohac?in=catbossstudio/sets/7th-gate-project
+Cover Artists:
+- Homestuck
+Referenced Tracks:
+- Tribal Ebonpyre
+- track:beatdown-strider-style
+- track:atomyk-ebonpyre
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Catboss:</i>
+    <i>(original commentary)</i>
+    Sometimes songs come to me more or less fully formed - this was the case for [[track:through-the-seventh-gate-land-of-wind-and-shade|LOWAS]]; some fidelity is lost in the transition from imagination to audio, but that song is more or less how I imagine it.
+    Other times, though, I have far less to work with. In this case all I had was the opening and a rough idea of where I wanted the song to go. Dave is the perennial coolkid so I figured the Seventh Gate song for LOHAC would be far more casual than [[track:through-the-seventh-gate-land-of-wind-and-shade|LOWAS]]. Sort of a “herp derp gonna waltz in and slaughter the denizen all cool-like”, but other than that I didn’t have anything else. So I don’t really do my own thing like I did for [[track:through-the-seventh-gate-land-of-wind-and-shade|LOWAS]], barring some improvisation on the bass (I like bass solos). Later there was [[Tribal Ebonpyre]], because I was using bongos already anyway.
+    So yes.
+    It’s also a tribute to Castlevania music, to an extent.
+    I also have a heck of a lot more percussion in this song than I otherwise would have; 1x drum kit, 1x sample set full of metallic-ish sounds, and bongos. I would have added record scratches too (it’s Dave after all) if I had satisfactory ones, but I don’t. Not now, anyway. If I ever revise this song I might find some and add them in.
+    Key changes: there are 2. The second one, I think, actually works out better than the first despite the fact that I never intended for it to be there.
+    Annnnd finally we end with a simple drum riff and a fadeout. That’s all folks! I’ll probably work on [[track:through-the-seventh-gate-land-of-light-and-rain|LOLAR]] next.
+    <i>(commentary redux)</i>
+    The Knight of Time enters the Forge of Flame...
+    This song was heavily inspired by the music of the Castlevania series. More specifically, I tried to emulate the style of one particular song - "<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyXRV7wkeyoAn">Empty Tome</a>," from Order of Ecclesia. I think it's possibly one of my favorite songs from the series!
+Track: Through the Seventh Gate ~Land of Light and Rain~
+Duration: '4:36'
+- https://soundcloud.com/catbossstudio/through-the-seventh-gate-lolar?in=catbossstudio/sets/7th-gate-project
+Cover Artists:
+- Homestuck
+Referenced Tracks:
+- track:endless-climb
+- Black Rose / Green Sun
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Catboss:</i>
+    <i>(original commentary)</i>
+    Slow songs are NOT my forte. Welp.
+    In any case this song demonstrates the things I like to do with slow songs - ramp up the reverb and delay, strings, background vocals. Orchestral percussion. Lots and lots of long notes. Music-box-ish ending (and even an interlude!).
+    This was supposed to be ambient-ish, and vaguely creepy. I actually quite like the opening! I tried to give it a sort of underwater alien feel because Rose’s denizen did kill everything in the water after all. So yeah. On the other hand, I think it ended up sort of relaxing instead. Welp konec0 what are you doing.
+    It’s not as if final dungeons can’t have relaxing themes though.
+    Also: Now I’m wondering if I should have added rain sound effects.
+    Oh I remembered something else: I keep feeling like I have to get over my aversion to weird minor keys, so I decided to do this one in C# minor. Riiiight at the very end though I gave up; the music-box-ish part at the end was done in D minor and then I just transposed it down. I’m lazy, whatcha gonna do about it.
+    Anyway that’s about it for this one.
+    Next up is [[track:through-the-seventh-gate-land-of-frost-and-frogs|LOFAF]]!… actually no. I think I’ll let [[track:through-the-seventh-gate-land-of-frost-and-frogs|LOFAF]] sit for a while, because I don’t really have any good ideas for it and I want it to be good. We’ll see.
+    Meow!
+    <i>(commentary redux)</i>
+    The Seer of Light enters the Sea of Silence...
+    Slow songs are definitely not my forte. As such, Land of Light and Rain was the hardest of the four songs for me. I tried using sounds such as the bowed waterphone to create an unsettling atmosphere, but I think the song still ended up sounding too relaxed and even a little sluggish.
+    Slow songs are definitely something I have to improve on.
+Track: Through the Seventh Gate ~Land of Frost and Frogs~
+Duration: '5:43'
+- https://soundcloud.com/catbossstudio/through-the-seventh-gate-lofaf?in=catbossstudio/sets/7th-gate-project
+Cover Artists:
+- Homestuck
+Referenced Tracks:
+- track:frost-vol6
+- track:dissension-original
+- Sunsetter
+Commentary: "<i>Catboss:</i>\n<i>(original commentary)</i>\nRemember when I said I’d\
+    \ sit on LOFAF for a bit? I lied.\nokay not really\nmore like I got an idea, but\
+    \ then I was going to do other stuff, but turns out it’s one of those ideas that\
+    \ cripples your creative output unless you do it first, so yeah I was pretty much\
+    \ forced to do it\nthem’s the breaks\n\nANYWAY.\n\n[[track:frost-vol6|Frost]]\
+    \ is one of my favourite Homestuck songs. Go listen to it because it is fantastic.\
+    \ I could probably leave it on loop all day and not get tired of it. It’s also\
+    \ Jade’s land theme so there’s pretty much no way I wasn’t going to put it in\
+    \ here.\n\nThe original idea for this song was always to use [[track:frost-vol6|Frost]]\
+    \ as a “backdrop” and then link it to other songs, but to be perfectly frank I\
+    \ wasn’t expecting to use [[track:dissension-original|Dissension]]. I was intending\
+    \ to transition straight to [[Sunsetter]], but then I played a bunch of stuff\
+    \ and was like “hey this sounds like a Homestuck song” and it turned out to be\
+    \ [[track:dissension-original|Dissension]] so I used it. My subconscious is a\
+    \ thief sometimes. Turned out for the better, really, it’s one of those happy\
+    \ little coincidences that happen sometimes. =3\n\nAlso: [[track:dissension-original|Dissension]]\
+    \ doesn’t get remixed enough. Needs more luv~~\n\nLet’s see, where was I.\n\n\
+    [[Sunsetter]] might seem like an odd choice really, but since its cousin [[Sunslammer]]\
+    \ (by [[artist:seth-peelle|Beatfox]]) was [[flash:3001|featured in the comic itself]]\
+    \ it’s become more or less linked to Jade, despite the fact that [[Sunsetter]]\
+    \ was originally supposed to be a Dave strife theme if I remember? And that is\
+    \ why I chose it! Which makes [[track:frost-vol6|Frost]] + 2 strife themes, which\
+    \ I think actually makes for a decent seventh-gate theme.\n\nStylistically I went\
+    \ for something between [[track:through-the-seventh-gate-land-of-wind-and-shade|LOWAS]]\
+    \ and [[track:through-the-seventh-gate-land-of-heat-and-clockwork|LOHAC]]. It’s\
+    \ not as dynamic as the former in terms of… dynamics (-_-“) and tempo, but I went\
+    \ for stylistic shifts instead; the sudden orchestral [[Sunsetter]] was completely\
+    \ intentional though, as was the slower, more ambient ending. As a result this\
+    \ actually ended up more complex than [[track:through-the-seventh-gate-land-of-wind-and-shade|LOWAS]]\
+    \ did. It was quite fun to compose.\n\nAltogether it’s a fun romp to end off the\
+    \ Seventh Gate Project, and I’m quite satisfied with it.\n\nNow what to do next\
+    \ hmmmmmm\n\n<i>(commentary redux)</i>\nThe Witch of Space enters the Glacier\
+    \ of Genesis...    \n\nI really enjoyed pulling the sudden switch from what was\
+    \ essentially house-inspired electronica to orchestral. I've used several more\
+    \ times since, such as in [[Vodka Mutiny]] or <a href=\"https://soundcloud.com/konec0/jackpot-birthday-bash-mix\"\
+    >Jackpot (Birthday Bash Mix)</a>. I'm not personally fond of the idea of pigeonholing\
+    \ songs into genres, so making this song was a real treat for me; I like to think\
+    \ of it as kind of genre-fluid, and that's interesting to me."
diff --git a/album/ancestral.yaml b/album/ancestral.yaml
index 127f014b..4bea61a5 100644
--- a/album/ancestral.yaml
+++ b/album/ancestral.yaml
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ Referenced Tracks:
 - Purple Bard
 - Bronze Rebel
 - The Lost Child
-- Fuchsia Ruler
+- track:fuchsia-ruler
 - ♈Reality Theatre♈
 - ♉W1th W1ngs♉
 - ♊Propulsion♊
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ Commentary: |-
     - [[Cobalt Corsair]]
     - [[Violet Prince]] + [[Purple Bard]]
     - [[Bronze Rebel]] + [[The Lost Child]]
-    - [[The Lost Child]] + [[Fuchsia Ruler]]
+    - [[The Lost Child]] + [[track:fuchsia-ruler]]
     then each of the tunes of the album played in hemospectrum order, followed by a reprise of Alternia.
     So all in all, it's a medley of 26 songs! It's one of the more ambitious projects I've taken in recent memory, and it took me a number of months to complete, but I had a blast doing it! I hope you guys enjoy it :smile:
@@ -1149,14 +1149,14 @@ Art Tags:
 - The Condesce
 - 'cw: body horror'
 Referenced Tracks:
-- Fuchsia Ruler
+- track:fuchsia-ruler
 - Gold Pilot
 - Heir of Grief
 Commentary: |-
-    The Doom of the Planets is about Her Imperious Condescension's relationship with the Helmsman throughout her interplanetary conquest. Grandiose orchestral snippets are interspersed with intimate, sometimes dissonant contrapuntal segments featuring motifs from [[Gold Pilot]] and [[Fuchsia Ruler]]. Eventually the various disparate moods of the piece unite at the climax of the piece, signifying the ship's final leap through the cosmos, which ends in theHelmsman's death, the music fading way as his life does.
+    The Doom of the Planets is about Her Imperious Condescension's relationship with the Helmsman throughout her interplanetary conquest. Grandiose orchestral snippets are interspersed with intimate, sometimes dissonant contrapuntal segments featuring motifs from [[Gold Pilot]] and [[track:fuchsia-ruler]]. Eventually the various disparate moods of the piece unite at the climax of the piece, signifying the ship's final leap through the cosmos, which ends in theHelmsman's death, the music fading way as his life does.
-    oh gosh i really like this song, especially the more orchestral parts. i tried to depict the condesce walking away from the helmsman as he bleeds out to death on the ship and looking all sinister and dark, as the doom of planets should be, and yet making it colorful to match the very prominent fuchsia ruler tune. i have no idea how to describe music so pardon me if i got anything wrong!
+    oh gosh i really like this song, especially the more orchestral parts. i tried to depict the condesce walking away from the helmsman as he bleeds out to death on the ship and looking all sinister and dark, as the doom of planets should be, and yet making it colorful to match the very prominent track:fuchsia-ruler tune. i have no idea how to describe music so pardon me if i got anything wrong!
 Track: Rusted Wench
@@ -1208,11 +1208,11 @@ Art Tags:
 - The Condesce
 Referenced Tracks:
 - Rust Apocalypse
-- Fuchsia Ruler
+- track:fuchsia-ruler
 - Eternity Served Cold
 Commentary: |-
     <i>Grace Medley:</i>
-    Shortly before finishing the album, this project's coordinator approached us managers at unofficialmspafans about it, and at some point mentioned that a few pieces of track art weren't attached to any song any more, and that it was too late to have the songs replaced. Which is a shame, because the piece of track art I saw (this one, in fact) was very good! So, I spent the next week or so making a song in the style of a certain French nu disco duo (no prizes for guessing who) out of elements from [[Rust Servant]] and [[Fuchsia Ruler]], a subtle nod to [[Eternity Served Cold]], and an even subtler nod to WMM's unofficial remake of Rust Servant, [[Rust Apocalypse]]. For how quickly I made this track, I think it turned out rather well!
+    Shortly before finishing the album, this project's coordinator approached us managers at unofficialmspafans about it, and at some point mentioned that a few pieces of track art weren't attached to any song any more, and that it was too late to have the songs replaced. Which is a shame, because the piece of track art I saw (this one, in fact) was very good! So, I spent the next week or so making a song in the style of a certain French nu disco duo (no prizes for guessing who) out of elements from [[Rust Servant]] and [[track:fuchsia-ruler]], a subtle nod to [[Eternity Served Cold]], and an even subtler nod to WMM's unofficial remake of Rust Servant, [[Rust Apocalypse]]. For how quickly I made this track, I think it turned out rather well!
     <i>Elanor Pam:</i>
     The battle between the Condesce and the Handmaid is still one of the most mysterious parts of the story, and I feel its impact and consequences have yet to be fully explored. There's no question that it was an insidious trap for the Condesce, but what is the true nature of the curse spoken by Doc Scratch...?
diff --git a/album/beforus.yaml b/album/beforus.yaml
index d9d6c9fe..b58558b7 100644
--- a/album/beforus.yaml
+++ b/album/beforus.yaml
@@ -1010,13 +1010,13 @@ Art Tags:
 - 'cw: blood'
 Referenced Tracks:
 - track:MeGaLoVania
-- Fuchsia Ruler
+- track:fuchsia-ruler
 - Penumbra Phantasm
 - Flare
 - Killed by BR8K Spider!!!!!!!!
 Commentary: |-
-    For my piece, I wanted to write for an obscure part of the story that we only really hear about through exposition in Openbound: the duel between Damara and Meenah. Damara ends up killing Meenah (the section around 2:08), who is saved by Aranea (the final round), carrying her to her Quest Cocoon so she can Get the Tiger (the ending section). Damara and Aranea don't really have canonised themes, so I composed my own motif for Damara, and referenced Fuchsia Ruler for Meenah, and Killed by BR8K Spider!!!!!!!! for Aranea (technically a Vriska theme, but they're both spider girls, gimme a 8r8k ;;;;) ). I actually started writing this track without a theme in mind, only really knowing it was going to be a battle theme, so the working title was "beforan beatdown". The whole track uses original synth sounds made with Magical8BitPlug and NES VST, except the drums, which are sampled from Secret of Mana, and the piano.
+    For my piece, I wanted to write for an obscure part of the story that we only really hear about through exposition in Openbound: the duel between Damara and Meenah. Damara ends up killing Meenah (the section around 2:08), who is saved by Aranea (the final round), carrying her to her Quest Cocoon so she can Get the Tiger (the ending section). Damara and Aranea don't really have canonised themes, so I composed my own motif for Damara, and referenced track:fuchsia-ruler for Meenah, and Killed by BR8K Spider!!!!!!!! for Aranea (technically a Vriska theme, but they're both spider girls, gimme a 8r8k ;;;;) ). I actually started writing this track without a theme in mind, only really knowing it was going to be a battle theme, so the working title was "beforan beatdown". The whole track uses original synth sounds made with Magical8BitPlug and NES VST, except the drums, which are sampled from Secret of Mana, and the piano.
     <i>Rebecca Peason:</i>
     I always found Damara's sudden madness very interesting. By all accounts, she used to be a sweet girl until finally snapping and fighting Meenah. Aranea's involvement, however, has always been interesting to me. She, of course, brought Meenah to a quest bed, but I always wanted to explore the ambiguity of her involvement. Whether it was just to drag Meenah away or a decision to nudge along a friend suffering in silence to take action, who can really say. A bloody battle, a bully beaten, and a girl freed from her silence. I wanted this piece to show Aranea's ambiguous involvement and the terror that Damara had become.
diff --git a/album/capricious-mistress-single.yaml b/album/capricious-mistress-single.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afcbbafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album/capricious-mistress-single.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Album: Capricious Mistress - Single
+- Kezinox
+Date: March 17, 2012
+Date Added: February 3, 2022
+- https://sinisterpsyche.bandcamp.com/album/capricious-mistress-single
+Has Track Art: false
+Cover Artists:
+- coffee-and-paperbags
+Color: '#7f01f9'
+- Fandom
+Art Tags:
+- Gamzee
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Kezinox:</i>
+    Basically a club dance theme for Fem!Gamzee. not sure how I arrived and settled on that idea, (probably from listening to [<a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20100830182827/http://tindeck.com/listen/ebft">Tents and Mirth</a>] too much), but thats what happened.
+    Also, a shout out to [[artist:coffee-and-paperbags]] for drawing the picture and being ok with me using it as the art.
+Track: Capricious Mistress
+Duration: '3:40'
+- https://sinisterpsyche.bandcamp.com/track/capricious-mistress
+Referenced Tracks:
+- Entrance of the Gladiators
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Kezinox:</i>
+    This was the first track I ever made that was a decent success popularity-wise.
diff --git a/album/coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a.yaml b/album/coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a.yaml
index 20fbeb04..09d54384 100644
--- a/album/coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a.yaml
+++ b/album/coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-a.yaml
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ Referenced Tracks:
 - twoward2 the heaven2
 Commentary: |-
-    Obviously with a name like Witc)(ing )(our, this song is for the condesce/batterwitch/etc. I always figured a sexy psychotic space empress bent on universal domination needed an over-the-top evil, but also dance-able track. I’d actually been planning to do a song like this for her for quite a while since she’s one of—if not my favorite—characters. Every 30 seconds or so represents a time in the Condesce’s life as we know it up to now and, while the song is almost wholly original, I did pull a few minor, but very recognizable things from songs like liquid negrocity and Twoard2 the Heaven2 to help really nail the connection.
+    Obviously with a name like Witc)(ing )(our, this song is for the condesce/batterwitch/etc. I always figured a sexy psychotic space empress bent on universal domination needed an over-the-top evil, but also dance-able track. I’d actually been planning to do a song like this for her for quite a while since she’s one of—if not my favorite—characters. Every 30 seconds or so represents a time in the Condesce’s life as we know it up to now and, while the song is almost wholly original, I did pull a few minor, but very recognizable things from songs like [[track:liquid-negrocity|liquid negrocity]] and [[track:twoward2-the-heaven2|Twoard2 the Heaven2]] to help really nail the connection.
     (<a href="https://soundcloud.com/kezinox/witching-hour">SoundCloud</a>)
     This is my song entry for the Homestuck Music Contest--essentially a dark electro house song for the Condesce. On a technical level this song more or less represents the culmination of all the practice and knowledge I've gained from working with music up until now.
diff --git a/album/fuchsia-ruler-single.yaml b/album/fuchsia-ruler-single.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe225eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album/fuchsia-ruler-single.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Album: Fuchsia Ruler - Single
+- Kezinox
+Date: April 3, 2012
+Date Added: February 3, 2022
+- https://sinisterpsyche.bandcamp.com/album/fuchsia-ruler-single
+Has Track Art: false
+Cover Artists:
+- Mel
+Color: '#f8017b'
+- Fandom
+Art Tags:
+- The Condesce
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Kezinox:</i>
+    Originally known by the name Witc)(ing )(our [a theme for the Condesce], Fuchsia Ruler was an entry for the Homestuck Album Contest. Since it did in fact win, and was placed on the contest album I had to wait until now to upload it here. You can now download it either from my bandcamp here as a single, or, if you're a fan of homestuck i'd encourage you to download it here from the homestuck bandcamp along with the rest of the album.
+Track: Fuchsia Ruler
+Directory: fuchsia-ruler-single
+Originally Released As: track:fuchsia-ruler
+Duration: '4:07'
+- https://sinisterpsyche.bandcamp.com/track/fuchsia-ruler
+Referenced Tracks:
+- Liquid Negrocity
+- twoward2 the heaven2
diff --git a/album/genesis-frog.yaml b/album/genesis-frog.yaml
index 5285a9c8..e90e1353 100644
--- a/album/genesis-frog.yaml
+++ b/album/genesis-frog.yaml
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Commentary: |-
     You can find the work of the artists here:
     Marina - <a href="https://sylladexter.tumblr.com/">sylladexter.tumblr.com</a><br>Rikuru - <a href="https://quipster-rikuru.tumblr.com/">quipster-rikuru.tumblr.com</a>
     I would also like to thank Toby “Radiation” Fox for being a constant friend and getting this album up and running. He’s always been a source of inspiration for me whether he knows it or not, and every time he’s given his input on my music it has helped me. Kudos to him taking care of so much business on behalf on the Homestuck music team and finding talented musicians in the community to help showcase their music in addition to the “official” (pfffahahaha) team’s.
-    Of course I would like to make an obligatory thank you to Andrew Hussie for creating Homestuck, the entirety of which inspired this album (even the bits of it that don’t have frogs). Without his story I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to grow and interact with similar-minded musicians the way I have. And without his permission, I certainly wouldn’t have this album to show for myself. 
+    Of course I would like to make an obligatory thank you to Andrew Hussie for creating Homestuck, the entirety of which inspired this album (even the bits of it that don’t have frogs). Without his story I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to grow and interact with similar-minded musicians the way I have. And without his permission, I certainly wouldn’t have this album to show for myself.
     Genesis Frog has undergone quite the journey over the last couple of years, even if the larger portion of it took place inside my head as vague bubbles of inspiration. I was finally able to compose the music I had always wanted to compose and contribute my own voice and interpretation of Homestuck to its discography. This is an immense privilege and one I will always carry in my mind as one of the most important opportunities I ever had in my life. It’s an excellent time to be making music, and I will take everything I have learned in making this album with me as I continue to compose in the future. Thank you once again for listening, and make that a double thank you if you read through this extremely long-winded commentary.
     I am Alex Rosetti and I am a composer who loves video game music, whether it is listening to it, studying it, or making it. If you’re interested in my music or any other projects I’m up to, feel free to check me out at any of the following:
     Email - <a href="mailto:awesomerosetti@gmail.com">awesomerosetti@gmail.com</a><br>Music blog - <a href="https://rosettimusic.tumblr.com/">rosettimusic.tumblr.com</a><br>Personal blog - <a href="https://albatrossthesoup.tumblr.com/">albatrossthesoup.tumblr.com</a><br>Twitter - <a href="https://twitter.com/albatrosssoup">twitter.com/albatrosssoup</a><br>YouTube - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/MrAlbatrosssoup">youtube.com/MrAlbatrosssoup</a>
diff --git a/album/jailbreak-vol-1.yaml b/album/jailbreak-vol-1.yaml
index ff249812..7f518cdb 100644
--- a/album/jailbreak-vol-1.yaml
+++ b/album/jailbreak-vol-1.yaml
@@ -373,12 +373,13 @@ Artists:
 - Erik Scheele
 Duration: '43:06'
 Has URLs: false
-Lyrics: |
+Has Cover Art: false
+Lyrics: |-
     GFD: Welcome to "Holy Shit, Sesame Street's YouTube was porned, and also I guess Jailbreak is happening".
     RJ!: It's the album commentary, yeah.
     Nick: This is... Welcome, this is me.
     [[track:jailstuck-intro|-JAILSTUCK (INTRO)-]]
     RJ!: That was Nick Smalley, uh, I am Robert J! Lake, uh...
     Jit: And... I'm Jit.
@@ -411,7 +412,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     RJ!: You got— Jit: Yeah, I don't think I've actually listened to a lot of this stuff, or I've listened to it and then just kinda: you'll file it away without remembering any about it. So, it's like I'm listening to this for the first time too!
     GFD: I only listened to the stuff that was in the Google Doc, recently. And—
     Nick: Yeah, I haven't listened to it recently.
     [[track:title-screen|-TITLE SCREEN-]]
     GFD: —and from a long time ago, when I got a bunch of MP3s from everybody from the forums 'cause I can't the forums.
     RJ!: Mhmm.
@@ -437,7 +438,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     Jit: Oh no, this track is ending. RJ!: And now, we got— Jit: What's next? GFD: Wow, what?
     RJ!: Now, it's uh... GFD. Jit: I hope it's not anything of mine.
     GFD: It's mine next?
     GFD: Ah, here we go.
     Nick: [[track:logorg|Logorg]].
@@ -459,7 +460,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     Jit: That doesn't count.
     RJ!: Yeah, it does.
     Jit: That's like "using a leaf" versus "sampling a leaf".
     [[track:elf-shanty|-ELF SHANTY-]]
     GFD: Wait, whose song is this now?
     RJ!: Uh, this is the only one that AgentParsec [Note: Mark Hadley] has in the album, this is [[track:elf-shanty|Elf Shanty]].
@@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     Jit: Did the three of us like, "I can make music" and then you got in, and were just like "I'm not making any music, right now."
     RJ!: I really wish I actually like, actively applied. I'm only here because, um, Adghar posted a bunch of people who were apparently like supposed... You know, music team candidates. Possible people. He listed me as um, "psychedelic rock".
     Nick: Cool. Jit: Interesting.
     [[track:phantom-echoes|-PHANTOM ECHOES-]]
     Nick: I love this song, oh my god.
     RJ!: Me too! Jesus Christ, it reminds me of Cave Story to uh, [unintelligible]. Is this done in PxTone?
@@ -552,7 +553,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     [collective laughter]
     GFD: I feel like that would be better than what we had it as.
     RJ!: No more talking. Jit: Okay.
     Nick: I love this one.
     RJ!: I love this one too. Hi, Jit.
@@ -589,7 +590,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     RJ!: I know, and I'm busier than God as I just said.
     GFD: God has all the time in the world, though. Literally.
     Nick: Woah, what the hell was that?
     GFD: Oh, here we go.
     Jit: This is— RJ!: [bad song imitation] Jit: —more Adghar. RJ!: Yeah, definitely.
@@ -634,8 +635,8 @@ Lyrics: |
     Nick: But hey, who's complaining?
     Jit: Oh god, that frickin' rising water! [shivering noises]
     Jit: Oh, dear god. RJ!: Oh, shit!
-    GFD: And then there was the glub at the end. 
+    GFD: And then there was the glub at the end.
     [[track:moment-of-pause|-MOMENT OF PAUSE-]]
     GFD: And now, what's this? What is this track? What IS this track?
     RJ!: This is the pause theme. GFD: Oh, yes, this is the one you made—
@@ -659,9 +660,9 @@ Lyrics: |
     [laughter] Nick: Yeah, how 'bout that— GFD: Yeh. Nick: —Radiation, or should I say... mmMMMmGAYdiation.
     Jit: Does he even have any tracks on this album?
     RJ!: No, he does not have any tra—
-    GFD: Oh, here's [[track:bars|Bars]]. Here's [[track:bars|Bars]] coming on. 
+    GFD: Oh, here's [[track:bars|Bars]]. Here's [[track:bars|Bars]] coming on.
     RJ!: I made this. Yeah, I made this.
     GFD: Yeah, RJ made this and I helped a little bit, except actually the whole song was me the whole time! You didn't expect that, did you?
     RJ!: Why was that so funny to you? Jit: Was it really all you?
@@ -678,7 +679,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     RJ!: Yeah, it's got a long pause.
     GFD: Yeah. It's suspenseful, and artistic. I like silence in music.
     Jit: That's not artistic—
     Jit: —oh, this is the new song, now.
     Nick: The new song.
@@ -713,15 +714,15 @@ Lyrics: |
     Nick: I wrote two. GFD: The other scary thing is that this call has been going for like, two hours, fifteen minutes before we started recording.
     RJ!: Yeeah, that's kinda bad. Jit: Yeeah.
     GFD: Half an hour of that us trying to find us a safe failsafe before recording. Jit: Was not, you're just...
-    RJ!: Which we never did. GFD: No. I really hope Vegas doesn't crash. 
+    RJ!: Which we never did. GFD: No. I really hope Vegas doesn't crash.
     Jit: I've sorta got one going, but I'm not sure how it's working.
     GFD: What?
     Jit: I mean, it's recording the music too. GFD: Oh.
     Jit: So I have to have my music kinda low. GFD: Oh.
     RJ!: I just realized I accidentally, like subconsciously drew this elf as Sweet Bro. [laughter]
-    RJ!: Oh, no no, it's Hella Jeff. Hella Jeff's the one with the 8^y mouth. Jit: Keep it! Keeeep it. 
+    RJ!: Oh, no no, it's Hella Jeff. Hella Jeff's the one with the 8^y mouth. Jit: Keep it! Keeeep it.
     RJ!: I'm keeping it, no, don't worry. Jit: Good boy.
     [[track:intestinal-fortification|-INTESTINAL FORTIFICATION-]]
     GFD: Okay, wait, what's this one?
     RJ!: Um, uh, this is right after... This is [[track:intestinal-fortification|Intestinal Fortification]]. This is also Slunk.
@@ -734,20 +735,20 @@ Lyrics: |
     RJ!: Because, for his art, um, for the album art he did for his own tracks, or her own tracks, her/his, he uh, she, um... The art Slunk did for the tracks is really like hyper-realistic. I mean, not hyper-realistic, but like, these scary realistic renditions of the Jailbreak characters doing the same actions.
     Jit: What do you mean hyper-realistic? RJ!: Not hyper— Well...
     Jit: I don't think I've actually seen... RJ!: It's not actually hyper-realistic— GFD: Now we're halfway.
-    RJ!: —it's actually kind of cartoon-y. GFD: We hit halfway. 
+    RJ!: —it's actually kind of cartoon-y. GFD: We hit halfway.
     RJ!: But, it's um... Relative to the stick figures in the actual comic, it's realistic, and it's terrifying.
     GFD: Then [[track:drillgorg|Drillgorg]], [[track:drillgorg|Drillgorg]] was amazing.
     RJ!: It's like nightmare, nightmare-ish. It's yeah, then [[track:drillgorg|Drillgorg]], uh um, [[track:drillgorg|Drillgorg]] is, [blubbering] It's good.
     Jit: I don't think—
     RJ!: I'll agree with that.
-    GFD: I still know how this song goes, even though I haven't heard it in ages. It is— Nick: Very memorable. GFD: —it is that. RJ!: It is. GFD: Yes, it is memorable. 
+    GFD: I still know how this song goes, even though I haven't heard it in ages. It is— Nick: Very memorable. GFD: —it is that. RJ!: It is. GFD: Yes, it is memorable.
     RJ!: I like both of Slunk's tracks here a lot, in a completely different way from the rest of the album.
     GFD: Yeah.
     RJ!: They're both really, um... I don't know how to descri— I don't know an adjective that's perfect for it.
     GFD: Slunk-y.
     RJ!: That's perfect.
     GFD: Exactly. And it's over.
     [[track:console-thunder|-CONSOLE THUNDER-]]
     GFD: And now, this is the stereo track. He made this one in— RJ!: Stere—
     Jit: Yeah, I just, I so suddenly noticed that.
@@ -795,7 +796,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     Jit: Awshi... Sorry, I dropped something. GFD: Because of the one time I went to chat you, and then your display picture was a gigantic eye and that's what I said: "a gigantic fucking eye and fuck."
     RJ!: I actually... I know. GFD: Because it scared the crap out of me, okay? That thing was huge.
     RJ!: It's just a—
     [[track:be-the-other-guy|-BE THE OTHER GUY-]]
     Jit: —okay, wait, I don't remember this one, what is this?
     RJ!: Uh, this is "With Bros".
@@ -813,7 +814,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     Jit: I am the master of being late, I've noticed this recently like, someone will tell me to do something or I'll be like "Oh, I should do this thing for someone" and then I won't get to it for months and months.
     GFD: Ha, yeah, how lo— how old is that Jailbake thread that I made in the music enclave now?
     RJ!: Probab— GFD: Which is still [intelligible] that you guys used apparently.
-    RJ!: Well, uh, I don't know how exactly how old it is, but a good metric is the fact that Andrew said that we were probably going to be releasing this album sometime in July. [laughter] 
+    RJ!: Well, uh, I don't know how exactly how old it is, but a good metric is the fact that Andrew said that we were probably going to be releasing this album sometime in July. [laughter]
     GFD: Oh, good times...
     Jit: Yeah, really.
     GFD: This is so catchy.
@@ -858,7 +859,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     GFD: What? Jit: Oh, nice. I like that idea. GFD: No, I don't know how you did that, I'm trying to imagine this piece of art and I can't do it. My brain doesn't work that way.
     RJ!: It's the tongue. Jit: It's probably an elf with the— RJ!: It has the Venom tongue.
     Jit: Yeah.
     GFD: Wait, what song is this? I've never heard this.
     RJ!: This is [[track:softbit|Softbit]].
@@ -893,7 +894,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     GFD: I doubt anybody LISTENED to my songs.
     Nick: People listened to my song on Volume 5.
     [song imitation noises]
-    GFD: No, you know what, nono, no, this is, like, this is one... The difference between your old version of this song and the new one is like, the old Cave Story soundtrack to the new one on WiiWare. That's the difference. 
+    GFD: No, you know what, nono, no, this is, like, this is one... The difference between your old version of this song and the new one is like, the old Cave Story soundtrack to the new one on WiiWare. That's the difference.
     RJ!: That was mean. You're mean. You're being mean to me.
     GFD: It, it's, it's, it is, that is how it sounds like, even some of the instruments sound the same.
     Jit: Wait, are you saying this one's the new one or?
@@ -910,7 +911,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     Jit: 'Cause I mean. Oh, I dunno. I get this feeling that I don't actually know how high my voice is normally, but I can go pretty low.. 'cause I'm like, a bass, in choir speak.
     GFD: My voice. My voice is just weird, I hate it.
     Jit: Yeah, I hate my voice too. I tried to record some singing the other day—
     Nick: Yes. GFD: Yes, here we go. Jit: Oh man, I love this, [[track:drillgorg|Drillgorg]], yes! RJ!: Me too! Me too. GFD: Woo! This is all me!
     RJ!: We're in the ending stretch of the album, right now. This is good. Jit: Are we?
@@ -933,8 +934,8 @@ Lyrics: |
     Jit: Well, let's see, who does shoehorn voice samples in? There's RJ, Bowman I guess, I can think of Radiation...
     GFD: [[track:mayor-maynot|Mayor Maynot]]?
     RJ!: Boner boner bo-bo bo-boner boner!
-    Nick: Yeah, that was cute. Jit: Yeah and also [[track:gaia-queen|Gaia Queen]], uhh, and then, [unintelligible]. 
+    Nick: Yeah, that was cute. Jit: Yeah and also [[track:gaia-queen|Gaia Queen]], uhh, and then, [unintelligible].
     GFD: Guys! Guys, [[track:retrobution|Retrobution]]!
     Nick: Yes!
@@ -982,7 +983,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     RJ!: Yeah, but now it's awesome.
     ["your mother" part of "retrobution" plays]
     [collective laughter] Jit: Ahaha, what?
     [[track:game-over-jailbreak|-GAME OVER-]]
     Jit: I don't remember the "your mother" part.
     Nick: That's the best part.
@@ -993,8 +994,8 @@ Lyrics: |
     RJ!: Yeah, yeah I am.
     GFD: You're hilarious.
-    RJ!: Thank you, thank... 
+    RJ!: Thank you, thank...
     [[track:is-this-the-end|-IS THIS THE END?-]]
     RJ!: I'm also planning on incorporating "Your Bed", the Bowman video.
     GFD: Yes, please.
@@ -1052,7 +1053,7 @@ Lyrics: |
     GFD: Are you sure you're done mastering?
     RJ!: I am done mastering but like, I mean, individual tracks can be... still played with a little bit.
     Jit: Oh, listen to that filter!
     [[track:this-is-the-end|-THIS IS THE END-]]
     Jit: And now, "[[track:this-is-the-end|This is the End]]". Nick: [[track:is-this-the-end|Is this the end?]]
     RJ!: "[[track:this-is-the-end|This is the End]]".
@@ -1104,5 +1105,3 @@ Lyrics: |
     RJ!: I hope you enjoyed it. Nick: [deep voice] I hope you enjoyed it.
     Jit: Yeah, next time it updates, we'll make a Volume 2 all about that one update.
     [collective laughter]—
-Cover Artists: []
-Has Cover Art: false
diff --git a/album/lofam3.yaml b/album/lofam3.yaml
index bfebda31..57384b77 100644
--- a/album/lofam3.yaml
+++ b/album/lofam3.yaml
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Referenced Tracks:
 - track:dissension-original
 - wwretched wwaltz
 - The Paradox Paradigm
-- Fuchsia Ruler
+- track:fuchsia-ruler
 - The Ballad of Maplehoof
 - Starkind
 - Minihoof's Adventure
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ Art Tags:
 - The Condesce
 Referenced Tracks:
 - Havoc
-- Fuchsia Ruler
+- track:fuchsia-ruler
 - '0_0'
 - Ugly Betty
 - --Emperical
diff --git a/album/sburb-ost.yaml b/album/sburb-ost.yaml
index 25bf95b6..cf6c38b2 100644
--- a/album/sburb-ost.yaml
+++ b/album/sburb-ost.yaml
@@ -133,6 +133,16 @@ Cover Artists:
 Referenced Tracks:
 - Waiting For Adventure [Loading Screen]
+Track: STRIFE! [Battle]
+Directory: strife
+- James Roach
+Duration: '3:45'
+- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfT_CZs5k2o
+Cover Artists:
+- Zilleniose
 Track: Mysterious Messengers [Exiles]
 Directory: mysterious-messengers
diff --git a/album/team-paradox.yaml b/album/team-paradox.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49cd391b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album/team-paradox.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+Album: Team Paradox
+- Team Paradox
+Date: December 27, 2011
+Date Added: February 4, 2022
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/album/team-paradox
+Cover Artists:
+- Esabelle Ryngin
+Color: '#a23c4e'
+- Fandom
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>mediokreKarapase:</i>
+    Well now look what you've gone and done. How the heck did this happen? An entire album? From a fan-adventure? Absurd! Unheard of!
+    Really though, I think I can speak for all of us on the team when I say that none of us could ever have imagined Team Paradox getting to where it is today. I've done my fair share of RPs over the years and coming on board with this, I expected little different. A fun RP with fun characters in a fun setting. By all means it looked like it would be a great ol' time, but little more than that.
+    But there was something different about this one. Underneath the fancy visuals, a narrative was beginning to form. The team was brought together by the mutual attraction to the stunning story that was assembling itself before us. We planned, we schemed, and Team Paradox drew us in further.
+    And then you showed up. Silent at first, we continued on mosly unaware of your presence, only noticing it through our thread's unusually high view count. A few of you bravely began to step forward and join in t he discussions and the floodgates were open. With the ice thoroughly broken, you showed up in numbers that, if I may continue to speak for the group in this little monologue, baffled and amazed us. And then fan-art happened. And then fan-music happened. Honestly, it never ceases to amaze me how far Team Paradox has come, and I am fairly certain that that is mostly thanks to you.
+    So, as I wrap up this little blurb, I would like to deeply thank you all for reading, watching and listening. It is unquestionable that we have the best fans of any MSPFA by far, and then some. Your steadfast devotion to our humble store continues to make me smile and strive harder to ensure you get what you came for. As I said before, I have no doubt that Team Paradox is where it is today thanks to the motivation you all provide. So many thanks to all of you, our fans. Thank you for the opportunity to work on something as awesome as Team Paradox.
+    To those of you who have taken the time to make fanart of Team Paradox, I would like to thank you greatly for this. Nothing thrills me more than seeing artwork of our trolls, and my fanart folder is growing preposterously large. So many thanks to you all for being a constant beacon of awesomeness brightening up my days. A super special shout out to [[artist:esabelle-ryngin|Esabelle]], who made the gorgeous cover art for the album, along with a vast swath of other fantastic arts for us. Stay classy!
+    Again on the more specific side, I would like to extend my great appreciation to [[artist:charles-neudorf|Crazy-8]] and Sadochist, who created the phenomenal tracks [[track:distortion-land-of-light-and-noise|Distortion]], [[Crazed Royal]] and [[Aliesh's Lullaby]], and [[Hollow]] and [[Pure]] respectively. I'm just going to take a time out for a moment from writing this to fondly regard how awful the punctuation in that last sentence was and hope the point still got through. Moving on. Being a musician myself, I can appreciate the immense amount of work that goes into creating a song, and here are these two who are consistently churning out more awesome tunes to grace our humble thrad. So many thanks to both of you for gracing this album with your unique styles.
+    Finally, I would like to thank the rest of the team. [[artist:red-pen]], blacksheepDaydreamer, Beep, Metaflare and Tribor, without any one of them the team would simply not be complete. Each brings dynamic and unique elements to the table to help put together this awesome story. I just wanted to say what a phenomenal pleasure it has been working with each and every one of you on Team Paradox over the last year, and I look forwards to continuing to do so.
+    <i>blacksheepDaydreamer:</i>
+    So, a Team Paradox album?? That is awesome!!
+    Man, I'm so excited about this coming out! After all we've done, this is probably one of the few (and best) things I've been waiting for! I'm so glad we could compile all of our music for you!
+    I didn't really think T.P. was going to get off the ground like it did, but MAN am I glad it did. It's so fun being able to interact with everyone! It's made everything raise up to a whole new level, and it's great!
+    And so here it is: our gift to you! Thanks for being so supportive everyone! We hope you'll keep supporting us in our crazy endeavours!
+    <i>Red Pen:</i>
+    When we first started writing music for Team Paradox, it was without much of a goal; a hodgepodge of different and disconnected songs kind of like the comic itself. But as the comic grew and the six of us started working together, the music started to become more cohesive too. Certain leitmotifs stuck with certain characters, and started showing up all over the place! I know as the story goes on, the music will continue to develop and become more complex and interconnected. At this point it tells the story just as much as the words and pictures.
+    <i>Beep:</i>
+    Ahahahah well I have no idea what to say. I like the music but I don't have any actual opinions about it, and when it comes to TP I don't tend to think at all that deeply.
+    <i>Metaflare:</i>
+    Man, who thought that one day a small RP group such as us would get such a large following? I mean hell, we got an album now! Let it be known that I value music over any other kind of anything, so the fact that we have an album makes me feel like a kid going to Disneyland for the first time. Thank you, readers, for supporting us! And thank you, rest of Team Paradox, for letting me be a part of your group despite my lack of talents! I hope we last long enough for our next album!
+    <i>Tribor:</i>
+    Ohmygoshohmygosh we have an ALBUM! Also, I just realize that Team Paradox kinda sounds like Time Paradox. How crazy is that?
+    <i>mediokreKarapase:</i>
+    This album has been stupidly fun to put together and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have. I expended most of my thoughtful commentary in the intro thing I wrote, so I guess I'll just spout some silly information in here. If there's one thing I'm upset about regarding the album, is its length. It fell just short of 56 minutes which, as that is the team's designated session number, would be pretty much the coolest thing. Oh well, next time maybe. Gotta get back to song writing I suppose!
+    So I again give huge thanks to you all for the colossal support you've given us. Seriously, what's the deal with all these awesome fans anyways? Is there anything we do that's not falling down these awesome fans?
+    We have all the awesome fans.
+    All of them.
+Banner Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Banner Dimensions: 975x180
+Banner File Extension: png
+Track: Paradox Space
+- mediokreKarapase
+Duration: '3:37'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/paradox-space
+Cover Artists:
+- Esabelle Ryngin
+Referenced Tracks:
+- Land of Pace and Pinwheels
+Track: Land of Pace and Pinwheels
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:10'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/land-of-pace-and-pinwheels
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Ratscrew Reel
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:25'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/ratscrew-reel
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Pure
+- Sadochist
+Duration: '2:42'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/pure
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Rocks Beneath My Feet
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:45'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/rocks-beneath-my-feet
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Land of Sea and Air
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:43'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/land-of-sea-and-air
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Land of Sand and Rails
+- mediokreKarapase
+Duration: '1:55'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/land-of-sand-and-rails
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Belt of Venus
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '2:21'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/belt-of-venus
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Hollow
+- Sadochist
+Duration: '1:56'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/hollow
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Distortion (Land of Light and Noise)
+- Charles Neudorf
+Duration: '1:26'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/distortion-land-of-light-and-noise
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Alterkate
+- mediokreKarapase
+Duration: '2:05'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/alterkate
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Sburban Meltdown
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:24'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/sburban-meltdown
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Referenced Tracks:
+- track:sburban-jungle
+Track: Retkoned Whiplash
+- mediokreKarapase
+Duration: '2:21'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/retkoned-whiplash
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Ratscrew Regisurp
+- Red Pen
+Duration: 0:58
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/ratscrew-regisurp
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Referenced Tracks:
+- Ratscrew Reel
+Track: Factory (Land of Rust and Vertigo)
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:44'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/factory-land-of-rust-and-vertigo
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Land of Depth and Flow
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:14'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/land-of-depth-and-flow
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Forgotten Sea
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:22'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/forgotten-sea
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Referenced Tracks:
+- Land of Sea and Air
+Track: Crazed Royal
+- Charles Neudorf
+Duration: '1:08'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/crazed-royal
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Ratscrew Rescue
+- Charles Neudorf
+Duration: '1:05'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/ratscrew-rescue
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Referenced Tracks:
+- Ratscrew Regisurp
+Track: Gosado Gouu
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:43'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/gosado-gouu
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Gravity Well
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:05'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/gravity-well
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Advanse
+- mediokreKarapase
+Duration: '3:14'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/advanse
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Aliesh's Lullaby
+- Charles Neudorf
+Duration: '1:35'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/alieshs-lullaby
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Carina Cogwheel
+- Red Pen
+Duration: '1:31'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/carina-cogwheel
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Lyrics: |-
+    (Just gotta keep moving forward. Maybe we were meant to get this far from our path. We're lost, [??]. Even though we know where everything is, we can't find a way out.)
+    (We're the only ones left. We screwed up. Everyone else has died.)
+    (But we're still here. And I'm glad you're the one here with me.)
+    (There's two of us and only one of them.)
+    (But we're still here— we're still here— we're still here. We're still here. There's two of us and only one of them. There's two of us and only one of them. And I'm glad you're the one here with me.)
+Track: Diskhordance
+- mediokreKarapase
+Duration: '1:31'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/diskhordance
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
+Track: Team Paradox
+- mediokreKarapase
+Duration: '4:02'
+- https://teamparadox.bandcamp.com/track/team-paradox
+Cover Artists:
+- Team Paradox
diff --git a/album/theres-no-place-like-home.yaml b/album/theres-no-place-like-home.yaml
index 4810c509..32155429 100644
--- a/album/theres-no-place-like-home.yaml
+++ b/album/theres-no-place-like-home.yaml
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Referenced Tracks:
 - GameBro (Original 1990 Mix)
 - Negastrife
 - Rust Maid
-- Fuchsia Ruler
+- track:fuchsia-ruler
 - Filthy Nuclear Bunker
 - Penumbra Phantasm
 - Castle
diff --git a/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-0.yaml b/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-0.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..276dbe57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-0.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+Album: 'Tumblrstuck​/​bent OST: Volume 0'
+Directory: tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-0
+- Samm Neiland
+Date: March 27, 2011
+Date Added: February 2, 2022
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-0
+Has Track Art: false
+Cover Artists:
+- Akirata
+Color: '#c8c8c8'
+- Tumblrstuck/bent
+- Fandom
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    a collection of the sorta of chiptune/homestuck/geeky music I’ve done thusfar.
+Group: Main album
+Track: Mind Your Step, Young Squire
+Duration: '2:32'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/mind-your-step-young-squire
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    this is actually a song for a little tumblr projected called tumblrstuck.
+    i’ll be playing a roll in it later (beyond just making music for it of course :P)
+    theme music for the land of curses and change.
+    enjoy.
+Track: Grande Illusion
+Duration: '2:03'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/grande-illusion
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    my attempt at making something that sounds like it belongs in a homestuck animation.
+    yes, i want to make music for them.
+    spread the word.
+Track: Conflict of Grace
+Duration: '1:56'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/conflict-of-grace
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    yaaaaay now i get to post this. another song for tumblr stuck. its pretty much a pair to the other song i did ([[track:mind-your-step-young-squire|mind your step, young squire]]), this one being the battle or “strife” song.
+    enjoy~
+Track: I Keep Forgetting
+Duration: '4:37'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/i-keep-forgetting
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    yep. after… a week since the last one, its another MSPA esque song, and my longest one yet. someone said that it seems like something that would fit a current gamzee situation. maybe.
+    anyway, enjoy.
+Track: Lets Get Lost
+Duration: '2:23'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/lets-get-lost
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    another mspa/tumblrstuck songy dealy bob. i just keep cranking them out.
+    i wanted to do something a little more mellow and not quite so involved, so i came up with this little pretty piece.
+Track: We'll Make the Best of Things
+Duration: '3:43'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/well-make-the-best-of-things
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    another MSPA inspired song
+    due to the overwhelmingly positive response i got from [[track:grande-illusion|the first one]], i did another one, though i tried something a bit different to make it a little more me. anyway, enjoy~
+    for maybe some context as to the idea/inspiration behind this one, i was dwelling on the thought of “well what are the kids going to do once they dawn on the fact that everything they knew before isn’t coming back?” of course this piece would be after any sort of post delusion drama.
+Group: Bonus tracks
+Track: 'Grande Illusion: Que Dieu ait pitie'
+Duration: '1:27'
+- https://sammneiland.tumblr.com/post/3493764243/grande-illusion-que-dieu-ait-piti%C3%A9-id-forgotten
+Referenced Tracks:
+- Grande Illusion
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    i’d forgotten i’d did this a while back and realized i never posted it.
+    well anyway, its basically an overly dramatic version of [[track:grande-illusion|grand illusion]] done on a pipe organ.
+    yep.
diff --git a/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-1.yaml b/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-1.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4283f251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-1.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+Album: 'Tumblrstuck​/​bent OST: Volume 1'
+Directory: tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-1
+- Samm Neiland
+Date: February 24, 2012
+Date Added: February 2, 2022
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-1
+Has Track Art: false
+Cover Artists:
+- Samm Neiland
+Color: '#0161ff'
+- Tumblrstuck/bent
+- Fandom
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    you’ve asked for it, so here it is. the tumblrstuck/bent soundtrack so far. the six songs are the ones used in the conjunction tumblrstuck projects of tumblrbent and glitchedstuck, along with two bonus tracks that were done for friendsies for the fun of it.
+    best part, its free so you have NO EXCUSE not to download it right this minute.
+Group: Main album
+Track: Knight of Hope
+Duration: '1:55'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/knight-of-hope
+Cover Artists:
+- Reid Slater
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    For [[artist:reid-slater|Reid's]] character, Reidek
+Track: Bane of Life
+Duration: '1:37'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/bane-of-life
+Cover Artists:
+- Akirata
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    For [[artist:akirata|Akirata's]] character, Rhagkna
+Track: Thief of Sight
+Duration: '1:37'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/thief-of-sight
+Cover Artists:
+- apitoxin
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    For [[artist:apitoxin|Jenna-Quinn's]] character, Humlah
+    to be honest, since humlah always seems like a sweetie babby to me, i some how kept thinking like some kind of young link type theme or something.
+    anyway, hope y'all enjoy
+Track: Let's Level Up
+Duration: 0:53
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/lets-level-up
+Cover Artists:
+- Samm Neiland
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    another tumblrstuck/tumblrbent related song.
+    rather than a god tier battle theme thingy, this more like… the song that plays at the end of a battle victory. ie. the same damn song that final fantasy has been using since the first game.
+    this is not that song though. its a song of my own composition, though its more or less an homage to it i suppose :V
+Track: Sylph of Soul
+Duration: '2:05'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/sylph-of-soul
+Cover Artists:
+- Reid Slater
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    For [[artist:reid-slater|Reid's]] character, Garnex
+Track: Prince of Mind
+Duration: '1:56'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/prince-of-mind
+Cover Artists:
+- Reid Slater
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    so. i finally did it.
+    after being sorta without any concept of what to do, i finally made a proper strife/prince of mind theme for myself.
+    its very hard finding something that encompasses regal tone with intellectual mysteriousness that isn’t totally out there and weird.
+    also sticking with an instrumentation set fitting for a video game/homestuck.
+    anyway yeah.
+    i hope you enjoy it.
+Group: Bonus tracks
+Track: Muse of Doom
+Duration: '1:33'
+- https://sammneiland.tumblr.com/post/16911918057/god-tier-blahdfsaufb-theme-for-adri-watch-me-as-i
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    god tier blahdfsaufb theme for adri
+    watch me as i churn out music like a factory.
+Track: Knight of Joy
+Duration: '2:15'
+- https://sammneiland.tumblr.com/post/17694473511/yehyehyehyehyeh-another-god-tier-theme-this-one
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    yehyehyehyehyeh another god tier theme.
+    this one is for BANA who’s a pretty cool dude who draws and is a bear sometimes.
+    he’s got ownership on the classy title of knight of joy.
+    so be joyful.
+    with this tune.
diff --git a/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-2.yaml b/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-2.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7526770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-2.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+Album: 'Tumblrstuck​/​bent OST: Volume 2'
+Directory: tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-2
+- Samm Neiland
+Date: March 11, 2013
+Date Added: February 2, 2022
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-2
+Has Track Art: false
+Cover Artists:
+- Elanor Pam
+Color: '#32f22d'
+- Tumblrstuck/bent
+- Fandom
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    yeup. sorry it took so long. i’d kinda… forgotten about it and then i was having issues getting my hands on some album art to use and i wasn’t going to release it without album art.
+    that would be irresponsible.
+    anyway yes. go ahead and download it for free. just a bunch of fanventure based music.
+    like i said, free. so you’ve no reason not to download it.
+    go forth.
+    (special thanks to [[artist:elanor-pam|paula]] for the album art. very much appreciated <3 )
+Group: Main album
+Track: Natural Selection
+Duration: '2:42'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/natural-selection
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    remember how i used to make music?
+    me neither.
+    but apparently i still do.
+Track: Seer of Heart
+Duration: '2:13'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/seer-of-heart
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    oooooo what’s that samm? a brand new spiffy track for glitchedstuck/your tumblrstuck?
+    why yes. yes it is.
+    lyra, the seer of heart is wrexie’s character.
+    also go follow our tumblrstuck you whatchama callits.
+Track: Cosmic Adversary
+Duration: '2:19'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/cosmic-adversary
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    hey look another tumblrstuck related song.
+    this one was me trying to come up with a battle song that would work well but didn’t feel too much like something overly epic. like my favourite battle themes were the ones that got you really pumped for combat, not the ones that were just like “ugh god, not another random battle.”
+    anyway, hope its palatable.
+Track: Monk of Time
+Duration: '2:08'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/monk-of-time
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    hey look more glitchedstuck music. isn’t that neat.
+    this one is for lute who is a monk of time and also happens to be [[artist:reid-slater|reid’s]] character who is wicked cool and shit and if you aren’t following him by now what the fuck is wrong with you.
+Track: Hold My Hand
+Duration: '2:29'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/hold-my-hand
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    <i>(original commentary)</i>
+    another chiptuney piece, potentially for redlightstuck, buuuuut that depends on if it fits. otherwise its just for your listening preference.
+    this song was actually inspired by a wind up ballerina toy my mom has. fits rather will with the spinning dancer image really.
+    <i>(commentary redux)</i>
+    i made it for a thing for a while ago that sorta just kinda never came to be but sorta rediscovered it and kinda finished/fixed some stuff with it initially?
+    idk, anyway. it kinda makes me think about something prospitian in a way so i’m probably gonna use it for my fanventure he-yup.
+Track: Rogue of Light
+Duration: '2:31'
+- https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/rogue-of-light
+Commentary: |-
+    <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
+    hey here’s a commissions for the ever wonderful pride’s fantroll jessee
+    its basically like… battle theme, character theme, epic god tier ascension. ya know. that kind of stuff.
+    jessee is part of our fan-venture and is the biggest cutie bootie ever.
+Group: Bonus tracks
+Track: Surmount
+Duration: '1:43'
+Has URLs: false
diff --git a/album/unreleased-tracks.yaml b/album/unreleased-tracks.yaml
index f72c8717..7d590cc5 100644
--- a/album/unreleased-tracks.yaml
+++ b/album/unreleased-tracks.yaml
@@ -2234,6 +2234,12 @@ Duration: '2:20'
 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC-w9OPgRbA
+Track: Entrance of the Gladiators
+- Julius Fučík
+- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B0CyOAO8y0
 Track: Eternal Recurrence
 - Secret of Mana
@@ -3481,6 +3487,13 @@ Duration: '3:57'
 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNRRQI6NtoQ
+Track: When Johnny Comes Marching Home
+- Patrick Gilmore
+Duration: '2:22'
+- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtEqgG2EdTs
 Track: Wild Battle
 - Pokémon