« get me outta code hell

clean up <ul>'s in the rest of the data! - hsmusic-data - Data files for https://hsmusic.wiki - track, album, artist & flash info, etc
summary refs log tree commit diff
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author(quasar) nebula <towerofnix@gmail.com>2021-01-16 22:31:20 -0400
committer(quasar) nebula <towerofnix@gmail.com>2021-01-16 22:31:41 -0400
commit52a32116c2e6582ed0a5c3b260b474c3cba0514e (patch)
parentd346d44f76241577def13f023fe9bbc7b87de395 (diff)
clean up <ul>'s in the rest of the data!
i ran across a single <ol> and that got left as the existing format
because i didnt think to implement <ol> in the transformer. worth doing
in the future but not a priority right now!
4 files changed, 58 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/album/alterniabound.txt b/album/alterniabound.txt
index 7f1fc9ac..3b9f5877 100644
--- a/album/alterniabound.txt
+++ b/album/alterniabound.txt
@@ -72,7 +72,9 @@ Commentary:
     [[album:Alternia]] began when I created [[Crustacean]].
     AlterniaBound began when Andrew asked me for a looping version of that track - Crustacean - to use in a flash. Initially this song was simply so, but after I learned more about the scope and depth of the AlterniaBound project... I decided that more of a change was in order for the track. (It was at that point that I also decided it would be cool to have some hidden tracks... leading to the early premiere of many tracks that would eventually be on [[album:homestuck-vol-6]].
     A little while ago, I finished the "final version" of this track. It's not incredibly melodic or wrenchingly dire like my usual fare, but it still remains one of my own personal favorites:
-    <ul><li>It's pompous, alien, and goofy - in short, pretty accurate of Karkat and Alternia as a whole</li><li>It subtly implies that tuba is Karkat's instrument of choice, which we all know is entirely true</li><li>WHO THE FUCK LET THE ELEPHANTS IN HERE ARRRGH FUCKING GAMZEE</li></ul>
+    - It's pompous, alien, and goofy - in short, pretty accurate of Karkat and Alternia as a whole
+    - It subtly implies that tuba is Karkat's instrument of choice, which we all know is entirely true
     I hope you like it too. And if you don't, I hope it pisses you off as much as it annoys Karkat to have this song play wherever he goes. That's all I can hope for.
     (<i>original track art</i>)
diff --git a/album/coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-b.txt b/album/coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-b.txt
index c23d6e48..96972dc4 100644
--- a/album/coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-b.txt
+++ b/album/coloUrs-and-mayhem-universe-b.txt
@@ -397,7 +397,15 @@ URLs:
     <i>Max Wright:</i>
     Dapper Dueling was inspired originally by a Steampunk band named The Cog is Dead - after listening to the song I just linked, I tried to take down the general feel and basic instrumentation, and then work on my own from there. Instruments used in the piece are:
-    <ul><li>Acoustic Guitars</li> <li>Accordion</li> <li>Whistle Synth (fun fact, I’m pretty sure it’s the same one as used in Horchestra)</li> <li>Banjo</li> <li>Harmonica (1:14, panned left)</li> <li>Violin/Fiddle</li> <li>Full string section (1:28)</li> <li>Maracas, castanets, very very faint snare (you can hear it at 0:10, under the whistle), constant bass drum beat</li> <li>bang bang wink</li></ul>
+    - Acoustic Guitars
+    - Accordion
+    - Whistle Synth (fun fact, I’m pretty sure it’s the same one as used in Horchestra)
+    - Banjo
+    - Harmonica (1:14, panned left)
+    - Violin/Fiddle
+    - Full string section (1:28)
+    - Maracas, castanets, very very faint snare (you can hear it at 0:10, under the whistle), constant bass drum beat
+    - bang bang wink
     I also gave the original Showtime strife mix a few listens for the purpose of structuring my piece - after all, it’s meant to be a Strife theme. However, pretty much all sources of inspiration were only used in the parts before the banjo solo; the rest was just me having fun with music.
     Let me also point out that it made me extremely happy to see in canon that Jake bounces from side to side before he is about to fight; it was the exact image of him I was hoping for.
     Also, while composing, I imagined Dapper Dueling to fit a fight scene similar to <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGCMfprPJoA">this</a>, from Sherlock Holmes (2009).
diff --git a/album/homestuck-vol-9.txt b/album/homestuck-vol-9.txt
index 5d2a3260..98af8e22 100644
--- a/album/homestuck-vol-9.txt
+++ b/album/homestuck-vol-9.txt
@@ -200,7 +200,11 @@ Commentary:
     <i>Michael Guy Bowman:</i>
     Originally we’d planned on doing a Homestuck album that was devoted entirely to the Sburb Alpha kids and their session, all of us doing tracks that would parallel earlier tracks in a same-but-different fashion. While this album became Homestuck Vol. 9, a lot of analogous tracks remained from the original concept, including this track as an alternative to “GameBro (Original 1990 Mix)” from Homestuck Vol. 6: Heir Transparent.
     While we can only imagine what the set-decorating GameGrl magazine from Jane Crocker’s bedroom might actually be like, it’s pretty easy for me as a child of the 90’s to imagine how the magazine might have looked in the era of the Burger King Kid’s Club and Lisa Frank. With GameGrl I attempted to capture a lot of the basic messages perpetuated to girls by children’s advertising in the 90’s:
-    <ul><li>Boys are gross and need to have their butts kicked</li> <li>Girls are cool and should pretend to understand pop culture</li> <li>Clubs must be started in tree-houses and couch forts to keep boys out</li> <li>Parents suck and will never understand</li> <li>You can trust corporate America</li></ul>
+    - Boys are gross and need to have their butts kicked
+    - Girls are cool and should pretend to understand pop culture
+    - Clubs must be started in tree-houses and couch forts to keep boys out
+    - Parents suck and will never understand
+    - You can trust corporate America
     The music was a hodge-podge of a lot of things - the production style of early 90’s house music (Deee-Lite and Cathy Dennis were my main references) was coupled with the intentionally insipid rap vocals in a time in which many game commercials <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkWYP95WbbY">had</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m__j99flW9w">awful</a> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7FN5B02YEo">raps</a>. The lead vocals are performed by Tavia Morra, whose voice I discovered sounds scarily childlike when sped up slightly. We played the backup track at about 75% speed and had her rap over it to create the vocal comp before speeding it back up to create the cringe-worthy little girl voice. I did a digital process to lower my voice to create the <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0LoHA_FPAs">Pokérap</a>-style breakdown towards the middle of the track and then asked Erik Scheele to play a painfully retro midi guitar solo.
     For the track art (lovingly created and posed for by Tavia) among our many references were Alex Mack and The Olson Twins. The big deal-breaker for us was getting a pair of overalls, a garment seemingly synonymous with the 90’s. We spent nearly three hours hunting for a pair in Austin coming up short at Wal-Mart, Academy, Sheplers, Cavender’s Boot City, Goodwill, a costume store, a paint store, and a plumbing store before finally finding a wearable piece 17 miles out of town at a farm supply store. Apparently humanity had the good sense to wipe that fucking hideous fashion travesty off the face of the earth at the end of the decade (I knew the y2k bug must have done something!) and now only people who actually need them wear them.
     We took our pictures at the Japanese-style game center Arcade UFO. Outtakes can be found <a href="https://seeyoutmorra.tumblr.com/post/24983253249/some-of-the-other-photos-from-the-gamegrl">here</a>.
@@ -306,9 +310,13 @@ Commentary:
     art by P-RO at <a href="https://nomorepros.tumblr.com">nomorepros.tumblr.com</a>. P-RO always does a maximally amazing job so why I asked her to draw the art is a non-question.
     Stress is actually a pretty faithful arrangement of an original track by Buzinkai. Buzinkai has been responsible for several HS-important melodies like Doctor, Endless Climb, and Explore and [her] work, for me, has always established a certain “essence” of what Homestuck is. My goal for this piece was actually to create a classic strife theme for Dirk with the core feeling of earlier pieces like Showtime or Doctor, so basing the piece off of something with that “essence” was important.*
     I can’t say why Buzinkai wrote this piece the way she did, so I’ll instead highlight the differences between the original and my arrangement.
-    <ul><li><p>Updated the instrumentation. Buzinkai’s usage of PXTONE is indeed charming and nostalgic-sounding, but I wanted to push things bit further. One major difference is the arrangement of the strings - Buzinkai’s PXTONE strings have an sharp attack to them, while mine come on a bit softer but are thicker. My strings then sound more “lush” but less “urgent.”</p></li> <li><p>I added a section between the original A section and B section with lower intensity. This was because the song got a bit too repetitive and static simply repeating like Buzinkai’s. Oddly, the repeats didn’t bother me in his track. I think this is partially because MY loop point, unlike Buzinkai’s, lowers the intensity a LOT more by removing a bunch of instruments where his simply flows into a repeat. I need to think about that more.</p></li> <li><p>Added an introduction and a true ending to make it more of a proper start-to-finish song.</p></li></ul>
+    - <p>Updated the instrumentation. Buzinkai’s usage of PXTONE is indeed charming and nostalgic-sounding, but I wanted to push things bit further. One major difference is the arrangement of the strings - Buzinkai’s PXTONE strings have an sharp attack to them, while mine come on a bit softer but are thicker. My strings then sound more “lush” but less “urgent.”</p>
+    - <p>I added a section between the original A section and B section with lower intensity. This was because the song got a bit too repetitive and static simply repeating like Buzinkai’s. Oddly, the repeats didn’t bother me in his track. I think this is partially because MY loop point, unlike Buzinkai’s, lowers the intensity a LOT more by removing a bunch of instruments where his simply flows into a repeat. I need to think about that more.</p>
+    - <p>Added an introduction and a true ending to make it more of a proper start-to-finish song.</p>
     About the similarity to Teal Hunter and a fun syncopation lesson:
-    <ul><li>This was unintentional - I not only started my arrangement of this song before the contest was conceived, Buzinkai made the original song back in 2010. THOUGH as soon as I heard Teal Hunter I KNEW people would call out the similarities because, surprise, there are plenty of them! Here’s the big one:</li> <li><p>Both pieces are in 5/4 (5 beats per measure, try counting to 5 over and over on the beat) and use the SAME syncopation (syncopation = the division of notes into smaller off-beat rhythms within the measure) throughout the track. Actually, many many many pieces in 5/4 use this syncopation. See: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nlCNVewMjA">Hollow Bastion</a>. Why do composers keep doing this? Two reasons: One, because it sounds awesome. Second, because the main way to compose in odd time signatures like 5/4 or 13/4** is actually to cut things into smaller units of 3, 2, or 4. Though each measure is comprised of 5 total beats, each measure in these songs is cut into 10 notes of half the length going 123-123-12-12. 3! 3! 2! 2!</p> <p>Wow, that was a very poor explanation. But please go to that Hollow Bastion video I linked and count “one-two-three-one-two-three-one-two-one-two” very quickly along with each note the harp plays. You’ll get it. (And I’m just making things more confusing, but isn’t it awesome how the syncopation switches at the end of the  4-measure phrase to “1234 12 12 12?” The little bit of contrast makes it feel complete.)</p> <p>So, why don’t people just cut things up differently? like 3 2 2 3? it’s definitely possible! Here’s my theory about why people favor the syncopation they do: It seems like ending a measure with a shorter note ON the beat leads into the next measure more naturally. It even sounds like a leadin: dun-DUN! This is supported by the fact that one of the most popular syncopations in existence is the one in 4/4 that goes 3 3 2. This is probably the same principle.</p> <p>3 3 2: ON OFF ON<br>3 3 2 2: ON OFF ON ON</p></li> <li><p>Besides the fact that the syncopation is identical, the chords and melody are similar and the way the strings are used are basically the same. I have no explanation for this other than… great minds think alike???</p> <p>RANDOM FUN FACT: Awakening is also in 5/4, go to 1:40 and sing the melody to Stress. Hell, <a href="media/misc/stresscombo.mp3">I’ll do it for you.</a> It fits!!! The main melody of awakening also starts with a similar rhythm as Stress. it’s the curse of the 123 123 12 12’s.</p></li></ul>
+    - <p>This was unintentional - I not only started my arrangement of this song before the contest was conceived, Buzinkai made the original song back in 2010. THOUGH as soon as I heard Teal Hunter I KNEW people would call out the similarities because, surprise, there are plenty of them! Here’s the big one:
+    - <p>Both pieces are in 5/4 (5 beats per measure, try counting to 5 over and over on the beat) and use the SAME syncopation (syncopation = the division of notes into smaller off-beat rhythms within the measure) throughout the track. Actually, many many many pieces in 5/4 use this syncopation. See: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nlCNVewMjA">Hollow Bastion</a>. Why do composers keep doing this? Two reasons: One, because it sounds awesome. Second, because the main way to compose in odd time signatures like 5/4 or 13/4** is actually to cut things into smaller units of 3, 2, or 4. Though each measure is comprised of 5 total beats, each measure in these songs is cut into 10 notes of half the length going 123-123-12-12. 3! 3! 2! 2!</p> <p>Wow, that was a very poor explanation. But please go to that Hollow Bastion video I linked and count “one-two-three-one-two-three-one-two-one-two” very quickly along with each note the harp plays. You’ll get it. (And I’m just making things more confusing, but isn’t it awesome how the syncopation switches at the end of the  4-measure phrase to “1234 12 12 12?” The little bit of contrast makes it feel complete.)</p> <p>So, why don’t people just cut things up differently? like 3 2 2 3? it’s definitely possible! Here’s my theory about why people favor the syncopation they do: It seems like ending a measure with a shorter note ON the beat leads into the next measure more naturally. It even sounds like a leadin: dun-DUN! This is supported by the fact that one of the most popular syncopations in existence is the one in 4/4 that goes 3 3 2. This is probably the same principle.</p> <p>3 3 2: ON OFF ON<br>3 3 2 2: ON OFF ON ON</p>
+    - <p>Besides the fact that the syncopation is identical, the chords and melody are similar and the way the strings are used are basically the same. I have no explanation for this other than… great minds think alike???</p> <p>RANDOM FUN FACT: Awakening is also in 5/4, go to 1:40 and sing the melody to Stress. Hell, <a href="media/misc/stresscombo.mp3">I’ll do it for you.</a> It fits!!! The main melody of awakening also starts with a similar rhythm as Stress. it’s the curse of the 123 123 12 12’s.</p>
     Wow, I really got off track here. But I hope you learned something today.
     * Yes, Bill Bolin also started an arrangement of this piece before he left the team. I think we were both attracted to the same “essence” present in Buzinkai’s piece.
     ** Bonus challenge: See if you can count out how I divided the measures in this song! If you can do this, you can easily understand how to compose in time signatures like this. It’s actually VERY simple and derived directly from the other breakdowns I did.
diff --git a/news.txt b/news.txt
index 1f53eadf..415bf828 100644
--- a/news.txt
+++ b/news.txt
@@ -7,11 +7,26 @@ Body:
     <hr class="split">
     <i>Once again, thanks to everyone who helped out or sent kind messages during development! The launch of the new wiki went totally smoothly, and the encourgament from everyone we've spoken to about the wiki has been really astounding. Thank you!</i>
     Much of last update was spent planning and programming, but thanks to that groundwork, we have far more albums to share this time, each full of uniquely incredible music! To highlight that, we'll jump into the summary right away:
-    - From [[group:unofficial-mspa-fans]]: <ul><li>(2017) [[album:weird-puzzle-tunes]], a tribute album for the ninth anniversary of Problem Sleuth</li><li>(2017) [[album:vaporwave-2016]], a solo album by [[artist:jamie-paige-stanley]] that is exactly what it says on the tin</li><li>(2017) [[album:xenoplanetarium]], an album inspired by [[album:medium]], lending depth and musical texture to the trolls' lands</li><li>(2017) [[album:gristmas-carols]], a Christmas-themed holiday album and a reprise of the seven-years-earlier [[album:homestuck-for-the-holidays]]</li><li>(2019) [[album:cosmic-caretakers]], a tribute to all the guardian figures in Homestuck (yes, all of them!)</li><li>(2019) [[album:moons-of-theseus]], a fantastically produced tribute to [[album:mobius-trip-and-hadron-kaleido]] and the other works of [[artist:michael-guy-bowman]]</li><li>(2020) [[album:friendsymphony]], a three-disc album inspired by [[album:hiveswap-friendsim]] with a song for each of the much-befriended Friendsim trolls</li></ul>
-    - From [[group:oceanfalls]]: <ul><li>(2017) [[album:oceanfalls-vol-1]], the origin of Oceanfalls music and a solo album by triple-time musician, track artist, and comic creator [[artist:nights]]</li><li>(2018) [[album:contritum]], a single-track release for the conclusion of Oceanfalls' first chapter</li><li>(2019) [[album:oceanfalls-vol-2]], an album packed with music and art now from a diverse set of musicians (many who would go on to compose the esteemed <i>catgirl music</i>-pioneering [[album:oceanfalls-vol-3]]!)</li></ul>
-    - From [[artist:tee-vee]] (who also contributed several tracks to [[album:friendsymphony]]): <ul><li>(2020) [[album:theres-no-place-like-home]], a prog rock medley album celebrating virtually the entire official discography of Homestuck music! (Be sure to <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh0YkQn_zLU">check out the movie</a>!)</li></ul>
-    - From [[artist:toby-fox]]: <ul><li>(2010) [[album:the-baby-is-you]], the infamous pinnacle of T. ("Radiation") F. content, a shitpost we mere mortals are blessed by the birth of</li><li>(2015) [[album:undertale-soundtrack]], complete with interactive reference info just like the rest of HSMusic, courtesy of <a href="https://undertale.fandom.com/wiki/Leitmotifs">the Undertale Wiki</a></li><li>(2018) [[album:deltarune-ch1-ost]], also with leitmotif information thanks to <a href="https://deltarune.fandom.com/wiki/Leitmotifs">the Deltarune Wiki</a></ul>
-    - From [[artist:nuclear]]: <ul><li>(2021) [[album:inhospitable-delisted]], a re-release of the now-delisted INHOSPITABLE Vol. 1 from 2017, featuring music from the original release of their comic, [[group:inhospitable]]</li></ul>
+    - From [[group:unofficial-mspa-fans]]:
+        - (2017) [[album:weird-puzzle-tunes]], a tribute album for the ninth anniversary of Problem Sleuth
+        - (2017) [[album:vaporwave-2016]], a solo album by [[artist:jamie-paige-stanley]] that is exactly what it says on the tin
+        - (2017) [[album:xenoplanetarium]], an album inspired by [[album:medium]], lending depth and musical texture to the trolls' lands
+        - (2017) [[album:gristmas-carols]], a Christmas-themed holiday album and a reprise of the seven-years-earlier [[album:homestuck-for-the-holidays]]
+        - (2019) [[album:cosmic-caretakers]], a tribute to all the guardian figures in Homestuck (yes, all of them!)
+        - (2019) [[album:moons-of-theseus]], a fantastically produced tribute to [[album:mobius-trip-and-hadron-kaleido]] and the other works of [[artist:michael-guy-bowman]]
+        - (2020) [[album:friendsymphony]], a three-disc album inspired by [[album:hiveswap-friendsim]] with a song for each of the much-befriended Friendsim trolls
+    - From [[group:oceanfalls]]:
+        - (2017) [[album:oceanfalls-vol-1]], the origin of Oceanfalls music and a solo album by triple-time musician, track artist, and comic creator [[artist:nights]]
+        - (2018) [[album:contritum]], a single-track release for the conclusion of Oceanfalls' first chapter
+        - (2019) [[album:oceanfalls-vol-2]], an album packed with music and art now from a diverse set of musicians (many who would go on to compose the esteemed <i>catgirl music</i>-pioneering [[album:oceanfalls-vol-3]]!)
+    - From [[artist:tee-vee]] (who also contributed several tracks to [[album:friendsymphony]]):
+        - (2020) [[album:theres-no-place-like-home]], a prog rock medley album celebrating virtually the entire official discography of Homestuck music! (Be sure to <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh0YkQn_zLU">check out the movie</a>!)
+    - From [[artist:toby-fox]]:
+        - (2010) [[album:the-baby-is-you]], the infamous pinnacle of T. ("Radiation") F. content, a shitpost we mere mortals are blessed by the birth of
+        - (2015) [[album:undertale-soundtrack]], complete with interactive reference info just like the rest of HSMusic, courtesy of <a href="https://undertale.fandom.com/wiki/Leitmotifs">the Undertale Wiki</a>
+        - (2018) [[album:deltarune-ch1-ost]], also with leitmotif information thanks to <a href="https://deltarune.fandom.com/wiki/Leitmotifs">the Deltarune Wiki</a></ul>
+    - From [[artist:nuclear]]:
+        - (2021) [[album:inhospitable-delisted]], a re-release of the now-delisted INHOSPITABLE Vol. 1 from 2017, featuring music from the original release of their comic, [[group:inhospitable]]
     Phew! That's a lot of music. In fact, <a href="group/fandom/gallery/">the Fandom gallery</a> is starting to become <i>kind of crowded!</i> How is anyone supposed to find what they're looking for now?? (Or so we hypothetically project you asking.)
     Well, you've probably noticed already: <b>groups</b> are the new feature designed to answer that question! They have two purposes: to improve <i>navigability</i>, and to improve <i>discoverability</i>. Conveniently, these go hand in hand - and they're so crucial that we've worked them into the layout of the site as a whole!
     On the right side of the screen (or at the bottom of the page, if you are using a more compact display), you can now see the groups an album is part of. If you click to visit the group's dedicated page, you'll find a blurb introducing the group, and a chronological listing of their albums. Or you can choose the "Gallery" tab to view an album gallery, just like the <i>Fandom</i> and <i>Official</i> homes (which are now programmed as groups too)!
@@ -43,9 +58,21 @@ Body:
     So, without further ado, some update highlights:
     - A totally redesigned homepage! It's considerably denser than before - but I'm hoping I've managed to reach that peculiar paradox of it being more usable as a landing page as well.
-    - Five new albums, plus some goodies: <ul><li>[[album:hiveswap-act-2-ost]] - yes, with complete credits. (<a href="media/misc/hiveswap-act-2-breakdown.png">Thanks, James Roach!</a>)</li><li>[[album:homestuck-for-the-holidays]] and [[album:tomb-of-the-ancestors]], the two albums from <a href="https://homestuckgaiden.bandcamp.com/">Homestuck Gaiden</a> we hadn't archived before! (As far as I know, this is the first time per-track art credits for ToTH have ever been released - much thanks to the album's artist, [[artist:kalibration]], for helping with this via email!)</li><li>[[album:the-genesis-project-vol-1]] and [[album:oceanfalls-vol-3]], compilation albums from artists who by and large found their roots in the Homestuck music scene! Check out The Genesis Project, a fan-game aiming to replicate Sburb itself, at <a href="https://www.sburb.me/">sburb.me</a>; and Oceanfalls, an excellent webcomic inspired by Homestuck but certainly its own standalone work, at <a href="https://oceanfalls.net/">oceanfalls.net</a>!</li><li>[[album:perfectly-generic-object]], a lovely track from [[artist:cristata]] following its earlier album [[album:perfectly-generic-album]]!</li><li>...and the original four releases of [[album:homestuck-vol-1]], [[album:homestuck-vol-2]], [[album:homestuck-vol-3]], and [[album:homestuck-vol-4]]. Check 'em out!</li></ul>
-    - A bunch of stylistic changes and tweaks across the site, all in the hopes of making a more usable and coherent design - or in less pretentious jargon, I'm trying to make things look better. :) Besides remaking the homepage from scratch: <ul><li>All pages use the same "page generation" code, meaning much more consistent navigation and layout everywhere. Though there aren't any particular plans to do so yet, this also means it's much easier to modify or expand page layouts in the future!</li><li>The border around images is bolder and tiles themselves are smaller, emphasizing color and name recognition. The goal is to make a design for index pages that looks more balanced!</li><li>Speaking of images, most of the images on the site are now lazy-loaded (meaning they are only downloaded as they enter the screen viewport), and they've all been tweaked so that the layout won't jitter as media files load!</li><li>The sidebar and navigation for track pages have been revamped; besides grouping the tracks in many more albums (e.g. [[album:ancestral]]), we also show track numbers for groups in the sidebar, and the current track number next to the name in the nav bar!</li></ul>
-    - Dozens of data changes, the majority of which are from feedback from users of the site: <ul><li>Thanks to transcription and research efforts from Niklink, lyrics have been added and updated across many tracks! Check out, for example, [[track:how-do-i-live-bunny-back-in-the-box-version]], [[track:mister-bowman-tells-you-about-the-squiddles]], and [[track:creata]].</li><li>A new "tags" feature for track art, categorizing all art on the wiki by the characters featured! Plus, gallery pages for each character (e.g. [[tag:jade]], [[tag:rose]], [[tag:jack-noir]]) and content warnings on art with sensitive or commonly triggering content.</li><li>A bunch of reference and credit data has been fixed across the site, thanks to Nuclear, Bambosh, and an emailer! There are also a variety of improved track arts and many new artist credit links, largely thanks to foreverFlummoxed.</li></ul>
+    - Five new albums, plus some goodies:
+        - [[album:hiveswap-act-2-ost]] - yes, with complete credits. (<a href="media/misc/hiveswap-act-2-breakdown.png">Thanks, James Roach!</a>)
+        - [[album:homestuck-for-the-holidays]] and [[album:tomb-of-the-ancestors]], the two albums from <a href="https://homestuckgaiden.bandcamp.com/">Homestuck Gaiden</a> we hadn't archived before! (As far as I know, this is the first time per-track art credits for ToTH have ever been released - much thanks to the album's artist, [[artist:kalibration]], for helping with this via email!)
+        - [[album:the-genesis-project-vol-1]] and [[album:oceanfalls-vol-3]], compilation albums from artists who by and large found their roots in the Homestuck music scene! Check out The Genesis Project, a fan-game aiming to replicate Sburb itself, at <a href="https://www.sburb.me/">sburb.me</a>; and Oceanfalls, an excellent webcomic inspired by Homestuck but certainly its own standalone work, at <a href="https://oceanfalls.net/">oceanfalls.net</a>!
+        - [[album:perfectly-generic-object]], a lovely track from [[artist:cristata]] following its earlier album [[album:perfectly-generic-album]]!
+        - ...and the original four releases of [[album:homestuck-vol-1]], [[album:homestuck-vol-2]], [[album:homestuck-vol-3]], and [[album:homestuck-vol-4]]. Check 'em out!
+    - A bunch of stylistic changes and tweaks across the site, all in the hopes of making a more usable and coherent design - or in less pretentious jargon, I'm trying to make things look better. :) Besides remaking the homepage from scratch:
+        - All pages use the same "page generation" code, meaning much more consistent navigation and layout everywhere. Though there aren't any particular plans to do so yet, this also means it's much easier to modify or expand page layouts in the future!
+        - The border around images is bolder and tiles themselves are smaller, emphasizing color and name recognition. The goal is to make a design for index pages that looks more balanced!
+        - Speaking of images, most of the images on the site are now lazy-loaded (meaning they are only downloaded as they enter the screen viewport), and they've all been tweaked so that the layout won't jitter as media files load!
+        - The sidebar and navigation for track pages have been revamped; besides grouping the tracks in many more albums (e.g. [[album:ancestral]]), we also show track numbers for groups in the sidebar, and the current track number next to the name in the nav bar!
+    - Dozens of data changes, the majority of which are from feedback from users of the site:
+        - Thanks to transcription and research efforts from Niklink, lyrics have been added and updated across many tracks! Check out, for example, [[track:how-do-i-live-bunny-back-in-the-box-version]], [[track:mister-bowman-tells-you-about-the-squiddles]], and [[track:creata]].
+        - A new "tags" feature for track art, categorizing all art on the wiki by the characters featured! Plus, gallery pages for each character (e.g. [[tag:jade]], [[tag:rose]], [[tag:jack-noir]]) and content warnings on art with sensitive or commonly triggering content.
+        - A bunch of reference and credit data has been fixed across the site, thanks to Nuclear, Bambosh, and an emailer! There are also a variety of improved track arts and many new artist credit links, largely thanks to foreverFlummoxed.
     As always, complete update details can be found <a href="changelog/#12-dec-2020">on the changelog</a>! Have fun exploring the site - and of course, any feedback or comments are welcome, and can be sent our way <a href="feedback/">via the usual channels</a>. :)
     <i>~ Quasar Nebula</i>
     (PS: Working with everyone on this update has been a joy, so once again, a tremendous thank-you to everyone who offered feedback, resources, discussion and support over the course of development! Tangentially, with permission from Niklink, <a href="media/misc/changelog/niklink-lyric-shenanigans.txt">here's a transcript of our emails together</a> - just for a look into what collaborating on the wiki is like, and to give Niklink's wonderful commentary the light of day.)