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hsmusic-data - Data files for https://hsmusic.wiki - track, album, artist & flash info, etc
summary refs log tree commit diff
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
hi-res-artremaining hi res art for update(quasar) nebula24 months
previewOriginally Released As -> Main Release(quasar) nebula18 hours
releasedusty shelves(quasar) nebula3 weeks
setting-tagsfixes lol + changelog additions(quasar) nebula3 years
stagingdusty shelves(quasar) nebula3 weeks
staging-yamlremove Additional Tracks from main groups(quasar) nebula3 years
wiki-creditsWIP contributor credits on sep. branch(quasar) nebula2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2025-02-12dusty shelves HEAD staging release(quasar) nebula
2025-02-12more issue fixes(quasar) nebula
2025-02-12miscellaneous issue fixes(quasar) nebula
2025-02-12frog hunt tweaks + changelog(quasar) nebula
2025-02-12drpepperfan artists.yaml further additionsLilithtreasure
2025-02-12stormspirit lowas tag changelog entryLilithtreasure
2025-02-12stormspirit lowas tagLilithtreasure
2025-02-12even more tweaking of dpf changelog entryLilithtreasure
2025-02-12slight adjustment to dpf changelog entryLilithtreasure
2025-02-12whoops - removed accidental P present at beginning of artists.yamlLilithtreasure